Bloomsbury Studies in Popular Fiction and Religious Dynamics #CFP – Call for Proposals for New Book Series

Bloomsbury Studies in Popular Fiction and Religious Dynamics #CFP – Call for Proposals for New Book Series November 16, 2021
One of the series editors, Alana Vincent, shared the following and I’m happy to pass it along, and honored to a founding member of the editorial board for this new book series!
I’m very excited to share the flyer for our new series with Bloomsbury Academic, Bloomsbury Studies in Popular Fiction and Religious Dynamics. We’ve assembled a spectacular editorial board, and are looking forward to bringing out high quality monographs in an important emerging area of religion & literature studies.
The archive of popular imagination represented by mass market series and genre fiction is a vast and under utilised resource for understanding how religion works in a world increasingly shaped by migration and pluralism. This series features monographs by established and rising scholars that attend to narratives of lived religions in popular literary genres such as romance, detective/crime, horror, science fiction, fantasy, paranormal, adventure, cyberpunk, steampunk, etc.
The books in this series will push the boundaries of interdisciplinary scholarship in religion and literature, exploring how popular fiction goes beyond mere depiction to actively embodying religion in the imaginative lives of its readers.
They will interrogate religion in fiction as something more than set-dressing, connecting it to the deep histories of living communities, and attending to the possibilities that imagined worlds offer for re-thinking religion in our own world. They will be informed by critical theorisations of race, gender, and sexuality, while at the same time prioritising a reading experience as immersively pleasurable as the fiction which they analyse.
Each volume will be around 80,000 to 100,000 words in length. Single and multi-authored works will be considered, rather than edited volumes. The series aims to publish one or two books per year.
Bloomsbury welcomes proposals immediately. For more information, please contact the Series Editors: and
Please do circulate widely; there is also a .pdf version which you can download here:…/Popular%20Fiction%20and…
If you would like printed copies to hang up on your department notice board or to take to conferences, please drop me an email.
Please do spread the word, and send us your proposals!

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