The Gospel and the Nations: A Documentary History of Inculturation, Orbis Press, Spring, 2010.
Order The Gospel Among the Nations from Orbis Books
Muslim Citizens of the Globalized World, (The Light and IID Press, Somerset, New Jersey, 2006) Robert Hunt and Alp Aslandogan, eds.
Order Muslim Citizens of the Globalized World from Amazon
Muslim Faith and Values, What Every Christian Should Know, (New York: GBGM Press, 2003)
Order Muslim Faith and Values: What Every Christian Should Know from Cokesbury
Islam in Southeast Asia, A Study Guide for Christians (Kuala Lumpur: GBGM Press/Methodist Church of Malaysia, 1999)
William Shellabear, A Biography (Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya Press, 1995)
Christianity in Malaysia: a Denominational History, Robert Hunt, Lee Kam Hing, John Roxborogh, eds. (Petaling Jaya: Pelanduk Press, 1990)
Contributions to Reference Works
“The History of Christianity in Southeast Asia” Encyclopedia of Christian Civilization, Blackwell Publishing (2008)
“William Shellabear” in The Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Blackwell Publishing (2008)
“Bible Translation,” in Encyclopedia of Protestantism, Hans J. Hillerbrand, ed. (Routledge, 2003)
“Modern Mission among Muslims,” in Christian Mission in the Third Millennium, ed. Charles Cole, (New York: GBGM Press, 2003)
“J.A.B. Cook,” “Covenant of Omar,” “James M. Thoburn,” “Benjamin Keasberry,” “Malacca,” “Stamford Raffles,” “Sino-Japanese War,” “Umar I,” “Umayyad Caliphate,” in Dictionary of Asian Christianity, Scott Sunquist, John Chew, and David Wu, eds. (Chicago: Eerdmans, 2001)
“Benjamin Peach Keasberry,” “Thomas Beighton,” Dictionary of Evangelical Biography, Donald Lewis, ed. (Oxford: Blackwell, 1995)
“Samuel Abraham,” “Burr Baughman,” “Thomas Beighton,” “J.A.B. Cook,” “Sophia Cooke,” “Goh Hood Keng,” “Benjamin Peach Keasberry,” “Lucius Mamora (Simamora),” “William F. Oldham,” “Hans Schärer,” “William Shellabear,” in Biographical Dictionary of Christian Missions, Gerald Anderson, ed. (New York: Macmillan Library Reference, 1997)
“Historical Overview of Christian Social Services in Malaysia,” in Trends and Challenges in Social Service Today, (Kuala Lumpur: Council of Churches of Malaysia,1989)
“Historical Overview of Christian Responses to Social Problems in Malaysia,” in Essays in Honour of David Bohler, (Kuala Lumpur: Graduate Christian Fellowship, 1988)
Articles and Chapters
“Can Real Muslims Engage in Inter-religious Dialogue? A Study of Malay-Muslim Identity in Contemporary Malaysia” Muslim World, Fall, 2009.
“Teaching through Practice: Engaging Divinity Students in Interfaith Dialogue,” in Pedagogies for Interfaith Dialogue, ed. David Roozen, Hartford Seminary, 2009.
“Christian Identity in a Pluralistic World” Missiology – April, 2009
“Soal yang Berganti-Ganti dalam Penerjemahan Kitab Suci ke dalam Bahasa Melayu pada Abad ke-19 dan 20,” pp. 513-526, “William Shellabear dan Alkitab Terjemahannya,” pp. 1057-1065 in Henri Chambert-Loir (ed.), Sadur: Sejarah Terjemahan di Indonesia dan Malaysia. Jakarta: KPG (Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia), 2009, (“Changing Issues in the Translation of the Bible in the 19th and 20th Centuries,” and “William Shellabear and the Translation of the Bible into Malay” in History of Translation in Indonesia and Malaysia, ed. Henri Loir, Jakarta: KPG, 2009
“Reforming American Views of Muslims,” in World Christianity in Muslim Encounter, ed. Stephen Goodwin, Continuum International, 2008
“A Response to Ng Kam Weng on the prospects of Inter-Religious understanding in Malaysia,” The Quest for Covenant Community and Pluralist Democracy in an Islamic Context, ed. Mark Chan, Center for the Study of Christianity in Asia, Trinity Theological College, Singapore, 2008.
“Islam in Austria,” Muslim World, Vol. 92, Numbers 1&2, 2002: 115-128.
“The Legacy of William Shellabear,” International Bulletin of Missionary Research, Vol. 26, No. 1, 2002: 28-31.
„Islam und Christentum: Der Staat im Islam,“ Verhandlungsbericht der 51. Tagung des Executivekomitees, 2000: 67-72.
Response to Gary Lease’s “What Are the Humanities, and Why Do They Matter?” Council of Societies for the Study of Religion Bulletin, 28 no 1 F 1999, p 17-18.
„Islam und Christentum: A Brief Guide to the Study of Islam: Anthropology and Soteriology,” Verhandlungsbericht der 50. Tagung des Executivekomitees,
1999: 61-77.
„Islam und Christentum: Revelation,“ Verhandlungsbericht der 50. Tagung des Executivekomitees, 1998: 66-79.
“Christian Theological Reflection and Education in the Muslim Societies of Malaysia and Indonesia,” Studies in World Christianity (New College, Edinburgh), Vol. 3.2, 1997: 202 – 225.
“Inter-religious Conflict and Compromise in Late 19th and Early 20th century Singapore,” Sejarah (University of Malaya), No. 4, 1996: 63 – 82.
“Individual, Community, State and Perceptions of Human Rights and Religious Freedom,” Trinity Theological College Journal, Vol. 4, 1995: 15-30.
“Basic Bibliography of Islam in Southeast Asia,” (with Olaf Schumann) Trinity Theological College Journal, Vol. 4, 1995: 59 – 66.
“The Life of William Shellabear,” Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, Vol. LXVI, Part 2, 1993: 37 – 72.
“Have you not seen a vain vision? The marginalization of the United Methodist Church in Malaysian Society,” Asian Journal of Theology, Vol. 5, No. 2, 1991: 410 – 428.
“William Shellabear and His Bible,” Methodist History, Vol. XXIX, Number 1,
1990: 14 – 20.
“The History of the Translation of the Bible into Malay,” Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, Vol. LXII, Part 1, 1989:.35 – 56.
I have published numerous reviews in Missiology, Muslim World, and Reviews in Religion and Theology. I publish short reviews several times a year in the Dallas Morning News.