Upcoming Events

Courses Offered

August – December. Houston – “World Religion and Christianity in a Global Context” for Perkins School of Theology, Houston Program. http://www.smu.edu/Perkins/FacultyAcademics/housgal.aspx

August – December. Thursday nights. Dallas – “Religions in Asia” for the Master of Liberal Studies program, Southern Methodist University. http://www.smu.edu/Perkins/FacultyAcademics/housgal.aspx

Classes and Lectures

September 29 (Lunch) and October 6 (Tour). Dallas. Godbey Lectures on Sacred Spaces in Religiously Plural Dallas. SMU event. http://www.smu.edu/Dedman/AboutDedmanCollege/GodbeyLectureSeries.aspx

October 7 – 9. Dallas. “Prospects for Creating Civic Identity through Inter-religious Dialogue.” – Association of Graduate Liberal Arts Programs Conference. Transformation of the 21st Century City. http://www.aglsp.org/2010_Conf_Home.html

October 10th. Highland Park UMC Discovery Class.

October 14 – 16. Nashville. Scarritt-Bennet Conference Center. “ReThink Misison Conference” http://www.edinburgh2010.org/en/events/other2010projects/en/article/5500/rethink-mission-conferenc.html

October 31st and November 7th. Dallas. St Michael and All Angels LIBRARY: “Islam and Christianity: Can There be Dialogue in a Pluralistic Society?” http://www.saintmichael.org/parish-calendar-of-events/

November 11. Dallas. Shepherd’s Center “What is Going on in Islam Today?”

November 14th. Dallas. Lover’s Lane UMC, Adams and Eves Class

November 29th. Houston. 11:00 – 12:30 St. Lukes UMC, 3471 Westheimer Road, Houston, TX 77027. $19.00 Lecture and Lunch, $15.00 Lecture. Contact [email protected] for registration information.

March 3 to 5, 2011. What do Muslims Really Think: Muslim Encounters with the Modern World. Perkins School for the Laity. See smu.edu/perkins/publicprograms for details