Vision Can Only Succeed by Alignment by Graham Cooke

Vision Can Only Succeed by Alignment by Graham Cooke September 2, 2011

We do not get a vision by ourselves and ask God to breathe on it. We worship, pray, meditate and listen to His heart. A vision that is rational, logical and based on what we can reasonably accomplish given our numbers and resources… will ultimately not upgrade anyone involved in the enterprise.

The Father has a vision for us personally and corporately. What does He see? Dreams, visions, scripture and prophecy are the seedbed for a vision that comes from another dimension. We cannot open ourselves up to Christ without becoming supernatural in our lifestyle and processes. A man made vision breeds struggle. It takes away our energy in the Spirit. It strips us of astonishment, awe and wonder.

Supernatural resources cannot come to a man made vision. God must own the vision and we must steward it in wisdom and obedience. Revelation always produces a sense of responsibility. When the Lord owns the vision He will commit resources to it from Heaven. When we are struggling financially we must question our alignments. Whatever God orders, He always pays for in real terms. Lack of resourcing is a sign that we are not aligned with His purpose.

Some people blame the enemy for their lack. That is a poverty spirit speaking. When we blame the enemy for something we are confessing that he has a power over us that we cannot fight. Some people blame circumstances, such as the recession for their lack. That is a poverty mindset. Poverty is not economic; it is learning to live with meager possibilities. Is God broke? Is He working to a tight budget? Is the Kingdom of God reliant on the word system? Who has abundance and fullness? If the Father is the true possessor of abundance and the wealth of the wicked… then we must determine the reason(s) why we are under resourced.

What is out of alignment? Where do we need to conform to the image of Christ? If we received the original vision from God Himself, are we walking in it? Are we stewarding it in the manner He requires? Or, are we, who began in the Spirit, now trying to work things out ourselves? Paul’s big picture perspective was that he must remain obedient to the Heavenly vision (Acts 26:19).

Stewarding the vision means that we rely on our Principal supporter for resources. He is our true fulfillment in all things. We should never allow people or circumstances to dictate who we are or what we can do.

Vision that embraces the Father’s heart and will is always resourced. In His favor we are empowered to have a conviction that He Himself is our renewable life source. Vision releases faith, which is the confidence that we are walking and working in partnership with Him. Vision produces power and supplies the necessary courage to live by His Empowering Presence.

God’s vision energizes. Each day we come under the weight of His joy and passion for us. His yoke is easy and His burden is light (Matthew 11:28–30). If our vision is not properly aligned we come under the weight of responsibility to make things happen.

His vision provides insight. He allows us to see what He is seeing, both in us and for us. We learn His perspective and to see the resources at our disposal. I am always reminded that the vision given to me is God’s and therefore I can continue to look at my life through His eyes.

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