Freedom From the World’s Systems by Robert Ricciardelli

Freedom From the World’s Systems by Robert Ricciardelli January 10, 2012

We all benefit from systems all around us. Many of these systems have been built through domination and injustice. Once we idealize social climbing, status symbols, hierarchical power, and possessions, we are part of a never-ending cycle that is almost impossible to escape. It has its own inner logic that is self-perpetuating, elitist and exclusionary. Christ came to free us from this lie, which never brings peace, because it’s never enough. He sets us free from the grips of systems, and leads us into His glorious Kingdom.

Are there systems in your life that the Lord desires you to be free from?

Assess your need to succeed. Is it coming from a place where God can bring His influence and glory?

You are not called to be possessed, acquired, or controlled. You are free to live a Spirit led life of listening to the Voice Of FREEDOM!

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