No More Time For Religious Foolishness by Robert Ricciardelli

No More Time For Religious Foolishness by Robert Ricciardelli January 12, 2012

It seems to me that only a minority actually live out the message that they hear or preach. We keep worshiping God while arguing and dividing over the right way to do it. Jesus did not ask us to worship Him, He asked us to follow Him, which is an obedient life, and the most powerful way to worship Him. Our clever religion often keeps us from His preferred way of love and life. We can be angry, greedy, selfish, and vain while we are practicing and professing our faith. The world is suffering and we have no more time for such foolishness.

How are you living in the integrity of what you believe?

What is your worship to God, is it a few songs on Sunday, or a life committed to God and the service of others?

What will you do in the days ahead to align your life with the ways of God and His love?

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