Participating in Something Larger than Yourself by Robert Ricciardelli

Participating in Something Larger than Yourself by Robert Ricciardelli February 6, 2012

An authentic God experience brings freedom and a larger capacity for life. Experiencing God brings enlargement, connectivity, freedom, and peace. There is a dimension of love through God that enables us to love our family, friends, and the world around us in ways far beyond what we could ever do apart from Him. You find your thoughts renewed and His love, mercy and grace pouring out from your life. You are participating in something larger than yourself, and you find yourself allowing it and trusting it for the pure gift that it is.

Have you experienced God in ways that have brought you to a supernaturally abundant life?

Check your love meter, and can you see yourself loving in ways that can only be God through you in that love?

Do you see your significant part in the wholeness of God and the world around you?

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