The Strategic and Disciplined Life by Robert Ricciardelli

The Strategic and Disciplined Life by Robert Ricciardelli February 17, 2012

Finding short cuts or cutting corners does not pay off in the long run. You must pursue strategic and disciplined steps toward the Spirit led direction of your calling. Variant moods and impulse choices can derail you off the wise and productive path to success. These choices are often a sign of impatience or poor self-discipline. But if you are willing to follow through the choices that only Wisdom can bring, you can achieve a breakthrough. Set up measurable and accountable standards to stay on track. Self-discipline is a quality that is won through intention and practice.

Have you been looking for short cuts to temporary relief, or are you staying on the challenging track that leads to growth and lasting fulfillment?

How are you making choices in your life? Are they often reactionary?

Can you commit to being intentional in your future choices and live the disciplined life of a Disciple?

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