Book Chapters and Encyclopedia Articles
“Modern Thinking: The Context for the Modern Church,” chapter in God’s Peoples: A Social History of Christians, eds., Kevin Cragg and Paul Spickard, Baker Book House, 1995
Case Study on “Baptists, Pentecostals, and the Baptism of the Holy Spirit” for volume of case studies in ecumenical encounters for the World Council of Churches entitled Twelve Tales Untold, edited by Doris Swan, et al., Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1993)
Articles on “Pentecostalism,” “ECKANKAR,” and “Open Bible Standard Churches” inEncyclopedia of America’s Cults, Sects, and New Religions (Facts on File, 1995)
Chapter on “ECKANKAR: From Ancient Science of Soul Travel to New Age Religion” inAmerica’s Alternative Religions edited by Timothy Miller (Albany: SUNY Press, 1995).
Chapter on “Carl F. H. Henry” in Makers of the American Theological Mind (Abingdon Press, 1997)
“Locating Donald G. Bloesch in the Evangelical Landscape” (chapter for forthcoming volume on Bloesch’s theology to be published by InterVarsity Press, 1998)
“Reforming Evangelical Theology” in Evangelical Futures: A Conversation on Theological Method, ed., John G. Stackhouse (Baker Books, 2000)
Chapter on “Donald G. Bloesch” in A New Handbook of Theologians (Abingdon, 1997) Article on Eckankar (new religion) for Religions of the World (encyclopedia), ed., J. Gordon Melton (ABC-CLIO, 2002)
“Theology-20th Century-Global” for the Encyclopedia of Protestantism edited by Hans Hillerbrand (New York: Routledge, 2004)
“Evangelicalism:Theology” for the Encyclopedia of Protestantism edited by Hans Hillerbrand (New York: Routledge, 2004)
“Evangelical Spirituality and Free Church Ecclesiology: A Peculiar Fit,” Evangelical
Ecclesiology: Reality or Illusion, ed., John G. Stackhouse, Jr. (Baker, 2003)
“Postconservative Evangelical Theology and the Theological Pilgrimage of Clark Pinnock” for Semper Reformatum: Studies in Honour of Clark H. Pinnock, eds., Stanley E. Porter and Anthony R. Cross (Paternoster Press, 2003)
“Baylor’s Shared Baptist Vision,” The Baptist and Christian Character of Baylor, eds., Donald D. Schmeltekopf and Dianna M. Vitanza (with Bradley J. Toben) (Baylor University, 2004)
“Rudolf Steiner, Esoteric Christianity and the New Age Movement,” The New Age Movement, ed., James L. Lewis (Buffalo, NY: Prometheus Press, 2004)
“Confessions of an Arminian Evangelical,” Salvation in Christ: Comparative Christian Views, ed., Roger R. Keller and Robert L. Millet (Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2005)
“The Classical Free-Will Theist Model of God” and responses to three other chapters by other authors, Perspectives on the Doctrine of God: 4 Views, ed., Bruce Ware (Nashville, TN: B&H Academic, 2008).
“The Baptist View of the Lord’s Supper” and responses to four other chapters by other authors, The Lord’s Supper: Five Views (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2008).
“On Loving Truth More than Religion: Confessions of a Rebellious Christian Minds,” By What Authority? The Vital Questions of Religious Authority in Christianity, ed., Robert Millet (Macon, GA: Mercer University Press, 2010).
“Postconservative Evangelicalism” in The Spectrum of Evangelicalism: Four Views, ed., Andy Nasselli and Collin Hansen (Zondervan, 2011).
“Pietism: Myths and Realities” in The Pietist Impulse in Christianity (Princeton Theological Monograph Series, Eugene, OR: Pickwick Publications, 2011).
“Evangelical Theology” in The Routledge Companion to Modern Christian Thought (Abingdon, UK: Routledge, 2011).
Numerous book reviews and review articles in Eternity, Christian Scholar’s Review,Christianity Today, Journal of Religion, Perspectives in Religious Studies, Scottish Journal of Theology, Christian Century, Books & Culture, etc.
“Trinity and Eschatology: The Historical Being of God in Jürgen Moltmann and Wolfhart Pannenberg” in Scottish Journal of Theology, 36:2 (1983)
“Pannenberg’s Theological Anthropology, A Review Article” in Perspectives in Religious Studies, 13:2 (1986)
“The Human Self-Realization of God: Hegelian Elements in Pannenberg’s Christology” inPerspectives in Religious Studies, 13:3 (1986)
“The Gospel According to Liberation Theology” in The Standard, 77:1 (January, 1987)
“Liberation Theology: Prophetic and Imbalanced” in The Standard, 77:2 (February, 1987)
Response article to Wolfhart Pannenberg and James Hurd in Christian Scholar’s Review, XVIII:3 (March, 1989)
“Understanding the Occult” in The Standard (February, 1989)
“Responding to the Occult” in The Standard (March, 1989)
“Wolfhart Pannenberg’s Doctrine of the Trinity” in Scottish Journal of Theology, 43 (1990)
“Christianity, Coherence, and the New Age Movement” in Christian Scholar’s ReviewXX:4 (March, 1991)
Two-part article on “Recognizing and Responding to New Age Influence” in The Standard, December, 1991 & January, 1992
“Is Moltmann the Evangelicals’ Ally?” in Christianity Today (January 11, 1993) “Profile of Wolfhart Pannenberg” for Catalyst, 1993
“Rudolf Steiner, Esoteric Christianity & the New Age Movement,” SYZYGY: Journal of Alternative Religion and Culture, 1993
“Resurrection, Cosmic Liberation, and Christian Earth Keeping,” Ex Auditu: An International Journal of Theological Interpretation of Scripture, Volume 9 (1993)
“Whales and Elephants: Both God’s Creatures, But Can They Meet. Evangelicals and Liberals in Dialogue” Pro Ecclesia, Spring, 1995
“Has God Been Held Hostage By Philosophy?” in Christianity Today, January, 1995 “Postconservative Evangelicals Greet the Postmodern Age” in Christian Century, May 4, 1995 “Back to the Bible, Almost,” Christianity Today, May, 1996
“Is There An Evangelical Theology?” Christianity Today, February, 1998 (lead article of symosium on evangelical theology with responses by Clark Pinnock, Thomas Oden, and Timothy George)
“The Triumphs and Tragedies of Twentieth Century Theology” in Christian Scholar’s Review XXIX:4 (Summer, 2000)
“The Controversialist: Augustine’s five most distinctive teachings were forged in the heat of theological battles,” Christian History 66 (Summer, 2000)
“Why Theology Is More than Useful in Ministry” in Theophilus 2:2 (Fall, 2001) “Theology for the post-Graham era” in Christian Century (August 25-September 1, 1999)
“The Reality of Evangelicalism: A Response to Michael S. Horton” in Christian Scholar’s Review XXXI:2 (Winter, 2001)
“Theology for the Rest of Us: Introductions to Theological Thinking Need Not Be Dry, Bloated or Inaccessible” (review article) in Christianity Today, April 22, 2002
“Preparing for Graduate Study in Theology Beyond Seminary,” Catalyst 29:1 (November, 2002)
Dialogue with Michael Horton on evangelicalism in Modern Reformation March/April, 2003
“Tensions in Evangelical Theology” (Theology Update), Dialog 42:1 (March, 2003) “Man-made theology can be conduit for divine revelation,” Baptist Standard, February
17, 2003 “Reforming Evangelicalism,” Perspectives in Religious Studies 30:1 (Spring, 2003)
“The Tradition Temptation: Why We Should Still Give Scripture Pride of Place,”Christianity Today (November, 2003)
“Where Community Really Matters,” Christianity Today (February 5, 2005) “To Judge, or Not to Judge,” Christianity Today (July, 2005)
“A Wind that Swirls Everywhere: Pentecostal Scholar Amos Yong…,” Christianity Today, March, 2006.
“Pentecostalism’s Dark Side,” Christian Century, March 7, 2006. “The World its Parish: Wesleyan Theology in the Postmodern Global Village,” The Asbury Theological Journal, 59:1/59:2 (Spring/Fall, 2004). “Stanley J. Grenz’s Contribution to Evangelical Theology,”The Princeton Theological Review XII:1 (Spring, 2006).
“Deification in Contemporary Theology,” Theology Today 64:2 (July, 2007).
“My Conversation with God,” Christianity Today, March, 2007.
Guest editor and Introduction author, theme issue of Perspectives in Religious Studies: Baptists and Open Theism 34:2 (Summer, 2007).
Articles on “Evangelicalism” and “Arminianism” for The Encyclopedia of Christian Civilization (to be published 2008).
Chapter on “The Baptist View” in The Lord’s Supper: Five Views (InterVarsity Press, 2008) (includes responses to four other authors).
Chapter on “The Classical Free Will Theist Model of God” in Perspectives on the Doctrine of God: 4 Views (Broadman and Holman, 2008) (includes responses to three other authors).
“The American ‘Gospel’: Think, Pray, Speak and Grow Rich” in Modern Reformation (November/December, 2008).
“How to Help Orphans” in Christianity Today (January, 2009).
“What Calvin Gets Right: Theologian of the Spirit” in Christianity Today (September, 2009).
“’Theology’ after ‘God,” in Christian Century (December 15, 2009).
“All We Like Sheep: The Making of Evangelicalism” in Books & Culture (May/June, 2010)
“Reforming the Reformed: Calvinists….” In Christianity Today (May, 2011)
“Arminianism is God-centered Theology,” in The Wesleyan Theological Journal (Fall, 2011).
“Pietism and Postmodernism: Points of Congeniality,” in Christian Scholar’s Review (Spring, 2012).
“Is God’s Love Limited to the Elect? Rebutting a Calvinist Challenge to the Gospel” in Enrichment Journal (Winter, 2011).