June 10, 2012

You’d think by the time you get to be my age, things would be a little less uncertain. But they’re not. As I feel myself being uncertain, and see my friends being uncertain, I have a few things I do to make it not seem so bad: Be Here Now It seems like focusing on the future or on the past would make more sense, but it doesn’t. Focus here and now. Because right in this moment, you know exactly... Read more

May 10, 2012

Years ago, driving down the street in El Salvador, I learned that it’s okay to go the wrong way down a one-way street. You just have to go backwards. I also learned something else on that one way street with no outlet: politicians always work on the streets during an election year. I know that I’m not alone in being pleased that our President asserted his belief that same sex marriage should be legal yesterday. But I do not look... Read more

May 8, 2012

I’m stunned by the vote in North Carolina yesterday, a constitutional amendment that defines marriage as “between a man and a woman.” The LA Times describes it like this: The amendment not only outlaws same-sex marriage — already illegal in the state — but bans civil unions and domestic partnerships for gay or straight couples. Family law experts say it will threaten domestic partnership health benefits for local government workers and strip unmarried couples, both gay and straight, of their... Read more

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