Uncertainty of when life begins and the abortion decision

Uncertainty of when life begins and the abortion decision December 23, 2023


In my last post, I posed the question,  “What does Mary’s pregnancy tell us about the abortion decision?”  which is the third of four key questions to address to determine if the pro-choice position is consistent with the life and teachings of Jesus.

Despite the power of the above Biblical arguments, I have encountered pro-choice Christians who generally agree with the arguments but retain their pro-choice position. Why? They are uncertain about when life begins. So, the fourth key question is how uncertainty about when life begins should lead a Christian to view the abortion decision.  Is support for abortion a logical conclusion to draw from such uncertainty?

As Christians, we can respond to this reasoning by asking, “Do you have a worldview that says that human life is precious?” As Christians, pro-life or pro-choice, we certainly have a worldview that says human life is precious. We can go a step further by asking, “Do you believe that innocent, vulnerable life is precious?” Universally, Christians all over the world should say, “Absolutely, yes.”

So, if one believes that life is precious and that innocent, vulnerable life is especially precious, then the uncertainty of when life begins actually should lead to a pro-life position.

To drive this point, I often share an illustration: let’s say I ask you to come to my house to help me move my belongings to a new home. When you arrive, there’s a room full of boxes that need to be loaded onto the moving truck. Just as you are about to pick up your first box, I gasp, stop you, and say, “Oh my gosh, I messed up! There is a precious, priceless Faberge egg in one of the boxes… but I forgot to label the box.”

In other words, I am uncertain about which box contains the precious item. So, as I hand you your first box, how would you treat that box? Indeed, how would you treat every box? Very carefully, I’d hope! But why? Because you do not know which box contains the precious egg, you would proceed with caution, treating every box carefully as if something precious and worth protecting could be inside.

Likewise, if you don’t know when life begins and you believe that life is precious, especially vulnerable life, and you don’t know whether the contents of a woman’s womb is a life or not, then you should be pro-life, not pro-choice. You should, logically, take the more cautious approach that protects what could be precious and valuable, not the approach that could destroy it.

As pro-life Christians, knowing why we are pro-life is especially important when it comes to speaking with love and truth to our pro-choice brothers and sisters in Christ. These four Biblical arguments present a compelling, Scripture-based case that establishes the pro-life position as central to our Christian faith.

All Christians should think about the life issue primarily through the lens of the Great Commandment and the Great Commission. How does a decision to have an abortion, assist someone in an abortion, or promote abortion in the public square line up with the Great Commandment and the Great Commission?

Next, all Christians should wrestle with the question of when Jesus’ human life began. Scripture is clear that His life began at conception. We can also put a finer point on this perspective by studying Mary and Elizabeth’s pregnancies, which show life at the earliest and latest stages of pregnancy.

Finally, if a Christian is still uncertain about when life begins, but believes that life is precious, then their uncertainty should lead to a pro-life perspective. T

While the arguments laid out in this book can be persuasive, it is important to never underestimate the power and importance of prayer to guide us through these conversations. To that end, here is a prayer you can pray as you head into such conversations with family, friends, and loved ones.

“Jesus, Immanuel, who I know was both fully human and fully God while with us on Earth, blessed be Your Name. Thank you for the things You taught us about the preciousness of life in your example, and I ask that Your Holy Spirit be with me as I share that truth with [Name]. Please be with us in our conversation, and give me Your wisdom and discernment. Help me speak Your truth well, and please guide our conversation. Please soften [Name’s] heart to hear Your compassion for the unborn and their parents, and help me to be a good ambassador of Your Name as I speak against abortion. May his/her eyes be opened today because of Your work. I ask all of these things in Your holy Name, Amen.”

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