6 Lessons from the Death of Chester Bennington

6 Lessons from the Death of Chester Bennington July 20, 2017

3) You’re Not a Weak Or Bad Muslim if You’re Depressed or Feeling Anxiety

Secondly, you’re not a weak Muslim or weak in faith if you’re depressed or anxious. Some of the greatest figures in our history felt emotional/mental/physical/psychological pain, sorrow, misery, depression, self-doubt, and anxiety. From the Prophet Adam to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon them all) each prophet was tested severely in their own unique ways where even the life of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be  upon him) there was an entire year called the Year of Sorrow. Yaqub (Jacob, peace be upon him) even cried profusely over losing his son Yousuf (Joseph, peace be upon him) that he lost his eyesight. Musa (Moses, peace be upon him) felt self-doubt and anxiety when he was given the mission of freeing the Children of Israel from the oppression of Pharoah and thus made the famous dua found in Surah Ta-Ha.

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