June 28, 2012

Most people remember the late Chuck Colson as the convicted Watergate felon turned Evangelical Christian leader and Prison Fellowship founder. But what was he like as a father and grandfather? His daughter, Emily, reflects on her dad’s legacy and offers encouragement to struggling parents. Read more

June 25, 2012

Last week we highlighted prominent father-son duos who are working together towards common goals. This week we look at the Biblical blueprint for father-son relationships. Is there an example that demonstrates the ideal bond between a dad and his children? Read more

June 14, 2012

Jay Sekulow is among America’s foremost free speech and religious liberty litigators, having argued 12 times before the U.S. Supreme Court in some of the most groundbreaking First Amendment cases of the past quarter century. A reporter described his oral argument style as “rude, aggressive and obnoxious” but his son Jordan knows his dad as the passionate, hard working, generous man who taught him tennis. What is it like to work with his famous dad? Read more

June 14, 2012

Dr. Michael Youssef leads a worldwide ministry with television and radio programs broadcast more than 3,800 times per week in 20 languages to 190 countries. Even though he is the founding pastor of Atlanta’s Church of The Apostles, Jonathan knows him simply as “Dad.” But Jonathan hasn’t always shown him the respect his father deserves. Read more

June 14, 2012

Ravi Zacharias is perhaps the greatest Christian apologist of our time. But did he let his son Nathan win at Ping Pong? Read more

April 11, 2012

Have you heard about Patrick Greene of San Antonio, Texas? Two months ago, he was an atheist activist protesting nativity scenes and public prayer.  Today, he is a believer in Jesus Christ encouraging others to read the Bible. How did this happen?  And what can we take away from this remarkable story? Over at What She Said, I describe the developments and share 3 principles from scripture that serve as important reminders for all of us! Check it out! Read more

March 15, 2012

This week Samuel Truett Cathy celebrated his 91st birthday!  The founder of Chick-fil-A, Truett continues to play an active role in the company as well as in the community through his leadership, writing, speaking, and philanthropic efforts which impact countless lives. Many people know that Chick-fil-A is a Christian company because of their uncompromising commitment to promoting Christian principles, their unwavering dedication to serving high quality food, and their policy to be closed on Sundays. However, most don’t grasp the... Read more

March 14, 2012

Steve Haas is Chief Catalyst for World Vision, a global relief, development and advocacy organization dedicated to working with children, families and communities to overcome poverty and injustice. He provides the following analysis of the viral sensation: There’s a cold efficiency to a wanted poster. Pinned publically in the Wild West, frontier citizens were informed of bad hombres and were encouraged to assist in capture. Like an Amber alert, the wanted poster told everyone what to focus on and why…... Read more

February 29, 2012

There is a vibration being picked up by many leaders, signaling a growing swell of Jesus-led compassionate social activism. Many non-profits are still feeling the impact of a poor economy — an environment characterized by a moribund political system and a society increasingly known for its disparity between the haves and have-nots.  But, there’s hope. This weekend I went to Portland for the 2012 Justice Conference. Initiated last year in partnership with Kiln’s College, Christian development agency World Relief hosted... Read more

February 3, 2012

Salt Shaker Spotlight:  Cameron Doolittle, President and CEO of Jill’s House Earlier this week we featured the wonderful work of Jill’s House, a resort-style overnight respite center in Vienna, Virginia for children with intellectual disabilities and their siblings.  Since its launch in October 2010, this 42,000-square-foot center has served nearly 200 families and has provided more than 40,000 hours of respite care, offering unique recreational opportunities for special needs kids while giving their parents much needed time off to rest... Read more

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