May 7, 2012

The Paris Review is top notch, in my book. A magazine worth keeping. That plus a T-shirt made sense to finally subscribe. Feelin like a big boy now… Read more

May 7, 2012

Got my half round strings from Amazon today (see 4 May image below), took them to Mr. Mark (my favorite luthier) and got to see the fret dressing. It looks amazing already. Plus they replaced the jack, switch, cleaned the pots, and polished all the hardware. I am beyond pleased and excited. Will post a photo when it’s done. She’s gonna be a beauty and a beast. Read more

May 7, 2012

A fascinating, pragmatic experiment in minimalism. Read more

May 7, 2012

A nostalgic photo I found at SmokeLong Quarterly. Read more

May 6, 2012

My niece — Gianna Anne Kolles — was born, lived, and died today. We were able to be there with her parents, sisters, and grandparents; her delicate birth, short life, and swift death are an intimately rich, tragic, and powerful testament to the beauty and sufficiency of life, especially the life of human persons. She will be given a Christian funeral and burial this Thursday. Please keep her family in your thoughts and prayers. Events such as these remind me,... Read more

May 5, 2012

El Día de la Batalla de Puebla is the full, Spanish name for the original festivity of the day. Nope, it’s not Mexico’s independence day — that day is 16 September — it actually a small, regional celebration of a Mexican victory over French forces in the Battle of Puebla. Try sharing that over Corona or Patron shots. OR NOT. Read more

May 5, 2012

Have I mentioned how much I love Tumblr? You’d think they were paying me to say it. Anyhow, as you can surely tell, I’m working towards replacing my old “academic homepage” at with this. I would appreciate your feedback at this early stage, before the url transfers. You can use the “contact info” page to find a way to lemme know whatcha think. (Is there an inbox function at tumblr?) Thanks! ps: typos abound, always. If you find any... Read more

May 5, 2012

Ray Monk on Biography Read more

May 5, 2012

re: goodbyes suck, 3 may 2012 Not all goodbyes suck. Saying goodbye to explosive diarrhea does not suck at all. Likewise, saying goodbye to shitty people and shitty places and alike doesn’t suck either. But, again: saying goodbye to those you love, those whose absence makes your world a little smaller, saying goodbye to these sorts of people, places, and so on always sucks. Read more

May 5, 2012

Dearest Ana, I am NOT 30. I’m 29. Thank you kindly. Yours always, Semmy Read more

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