Why do you know your limitations?

Why do you know your limitations? July 19, 2011

“I can’t do that,” a friend of mine said to me recently. “I know my limitations.”

I’ve heard that phrase many times. “I know my limitations.”

But my question to anyone who has uttered those four words is this: why do you know your limitations?

Do you know your limitations because you put them there? Did you hand pick the bricks to build up the walls you’ve put around your life?

Or, do you know your limitations because you’ve been to them? Because you’ve tested them and pushed them?

Do you know your limitations because you’ve tried over and over to beat them? Or do you know your limitations because you limit yourself?

We all have limits. And it’s not always bad to set limits for ourselves.

But we need to realize why we know our limitations before we say, “I can’t.”

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