Blessing the Advent Door

Blessing the Advent Door November 26, 2014

Crossing the Threshold Copyright Jan Richardson
“Crossing the Threshold”
Copyright Jan Richardson

Blessing the Door

First let us say
a blessing
upon all who have
entered here before

You can see the sign
of their passage
by the worn place
on the doorframe
as they walked through,
the smooth sill
of the threshold
where they crossed.

Press your ear
to the door
for a moment before
you enter

and you will hear
their voices murmuring
words you cannot
quite make out
but know
are full of welcome.

On the other side
these ones who wait —
for you,
if you do not
know by now —
understand what
a blessing can do

how it appears like
nothing you expected

how it arrives as
outrageous invitation,

how it takes the form
of angel
or dream;

how it comes
in words like
How can this be?
lifted up the lowly:

how it sounds like
in the wilderness
prepare the way.

Those who wait
for you know
how the mark of
a true blessing
is that it will take you
where you did not
think to go.

Once through this door
there will be more:
more doors
more blessings
more who watch and
wait for you

but here
at this door of
the blessings cannot
be said without you

So lay your palm
against the frame
that those before you

place your feet
where others paused in this entryway.

Say the thing that
you most need
and the door will
open wide.

And by this word
the door is blessed
and by this word
the blessing is begun
from which
door by door
all the rest
will come.

— Jan Richardson, from  Through the Advent Door: Entering a Contemplative Christmas.

Jan Richardson is an artist, writer, and ordained minister in the United Methodist Church. She serves as director of The Wellspring Studio, LLC, and travels widely as a retreat leader and conference speaker. Known for her distinctive intertwining of word and image, Jan’s work has attracted an international audience drawn to the welcoming and imaginative spaces that she creates in her books, online blogs, and public events. During Advent, Jan will be leading Illuminated: An Online Journey into the Heart of Christmas.

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