Before You Buy that Compost Bin for Earth Day! Podcast Episode 08

Before You Buy that Compost Bin for Earth Day! Podcast Episode 08 April 21, 2016


My guest on the podcast this week is Kori Williamson.  I learned so much from her.  She’s thoughtful, kind, and you’re going to wanna run out to Lowe’s and get a compost bin. You know, tomorrow is Earth Day and I never know what to do!  I know that when we think about Shalom, we think about wholeness in our relationships, in systems, and the Earth itself, but that last part feels so inaccessible to me.  What does recycling and conserving water have to do with wholeness?  And more than that, how can I work it into my life without being all or nothing!  By the end of my conversation with Kori, I not only felt like I could do something to care for the Earth as a practice of Shalom but I felt so much grace for the moments I forget to recycle or my garden is a huge failure.  I’m actually excited about tomorrow I hope you’ll listen to today’s episode and get excited too. We have a great time talking about creation care, documentaries, and of course, “The Lorax”!



Kori Williamson is passionate about creation care. By day she’s a social worker, and when she’s not in her garden, she the writer behind, “Steps of Intent”.  Kori is about to embark on a new adventure: Urban Homesteading in her city of Indianapolis. Kori is married to her amazing husband Brent for almost 7 years. She’s the mama of one sweet little boy, Teddy, and a fur mama to a  house full of rescued pets: 2 cats, 1 dog, 1 bird permanently; and she also foster animals (they used to foster children as well, but are currently taking a break).

I love this article, “Just One Thing”  from Kori on doing just one thing for Earth Day in which she gives a few more Shalom Steps.
Which I SO encourage you to check out!
I hope you love today’s episode and if you do let me know by leaving a review on iTunes. Did ya’ll know “Shalom in the City” made New and Noteworthy last week?  It did! I’m so thrilled.  The more weeks it can stay on the list, the easier it’ll be for fellow shalom sistas to find the show.  So, pop over and leave a review when you get a chance.
Shalom and Shopping for A Compost Bin,

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