Adventure Can Teach Your Children About God

Adventure Can Teach Your Children About God October 12, 2023

Teaching your children about God does is not limited to boring lectures, but rather an invitation to bring Jesus along on the adventures, fun, and mishaps of life.

When I read the passage in Deuteronomy 6:7-9 that states, “You shall teach them [God’s Statutes] diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up . . . “ I like to take the “walk” portion and kick it up a notch. Consider this, “Talk about Him when you adventure by the way.” 


Adventures with our children can point them to who God is and what His word says. Creation was made by God and therefore it speaks of His character and His plan for the world.Here are some of the top reasons to adventure with your child.



Adventures are fun. Parks, trails, creeks, oceans, and swings in nature (my personal weakness) provide amazing opportunities to have fun with your kids. Adventures create awesome connections between family members, which can open the door for meaningful conversations as well. 


Hear me out. I have five kids, so I understand the work that goes into packing up for an adventure and then cleaning up after. However, usually the adventure itself fills me up so much that it is well worth the effort. Also, over the years as your children mature they become a big help in the prep and it becomes routine to them. Often, kids are so engrossed in their nature play, that mama gets some time for herself or with a friend if you invite another family along.



From science to physical agility, time spent outdoor adventuring can teach your kids a lot. Not to mention perseverance when you still have a mile left until the top of the mountain. The opportunities for growth are a valuable aspect of adventure.

If you’re convinced by now that you should start adventuring with your kids, then let’s look at some ways to share Jesus with your kids as you do so.


  1. Point out creation

From epic landscapes to a bee carrying pollen, God’s creation is magnificent. Taking the time to point it out can help your children learn to see God in everything. I might notice a flower and say to my children, “Look how detailed that flower is. Isn’t it amazing that God took the time to make that beautiful detail in a tiny flower? That is the same God who made you!” Creation teaches us about God’s power and might, but also about his creativity and his loving care. Sometimes I will say things to my children like, “Look at how the sea is sparkling! Isn’t that so cool that God invented sparkles?” There are numerous scriptures about creation and about God’s hand in it. Memorize some with your kids or quote them while you are out exploring. Creation can remind us that a God who made epic mountains is capable of handling our problems. Psalm 104 is an excellent reminder of God as a creator as it makes statements such as, “The mountains rose, the valleys sank down to the place that you appointed for them.”

2. Teach them to pray

Sometimes we use creation to express our gratitude to God for a beautiful day or a beautiful place. Sometimes a hike is hard and we feel worn out, so we pray and ask God to help and we quote scripture to our children about how God can sustain us. We have even been known to sing worship songs to help us through a rough adventure. Often scriptures on God’s sustaining power reference nature, such as Isaiah 40:31 which tells us we will, “soar on wings like eagles.”

3. Emphasize God’s Trustworthiness

Adventures are often incredible, but sometimes they don’t turn out as planned. This provides us a chance to talk with our children about trusting God at all times. We can discuss God’s sovereignty or the way we should give thanks in all circumstances. For example, when Job’s life falls apart, God reminds Job who is in control by telling him, “ask the animals and they will teach you, or the birds in the sky and they will tell you; or speak to the earth, and it will teach you, or let the fish in the sea inform you,” (Job 12:7-8)


God put his creation here to show us who He is and to remind us of Him. We live in a world that is increasingly disassociated with the outdoors and this can damage our spiritual life. We need to show our children the stars, so they can understand the breadth of the universe. We need them to witness the beauty of creation, so they can see its intricacies and know that there must be a creator. We need to teach them to find peace in God’s beauty and to recognize that God longs to give us good things, as evidenced by the abundance of goodness found out of doors. God has provided nature as a means for us to show our children their God.


Grab some snacks, some water, and your children and go adventure by the way with them today. Happy exploring!

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