Finding Hope

Finding Hope January 18, 2025

It’s winter.

Cold. Dark. Dead. These are the words that come to mind during these months that seem fruitless.

However, much like tulip bulbs wait beneath the surface to bloom, we too can be filled with an internal spring as we wait for light to return.

How can we cultivate beauty, warmth, life, and light during this bleak season?

  • Create

When life slows down and the lack of beauty feels uninspiring, search for ways to be creative. Take this time to read about, watch videos on, or practice new skills. Bake more. Paint. Write. Craft with the kids. Try growing herbs indoors. Make candles or body scrubs. Bring life indoors when you cannot find it outside.

  • Welcome

Invite other in. Hosting people in your home will fill it with joy, laughter, and vivacity. Host a game night or a dinner. Plan tea parties or mud pie days for your kids. Welcome a younger woman that you can mentor. Offer to watch a friend’s kids. Ask an older couple to dinner and seek their wisdom. People are living and interesting and full of new ideas and thoughts. Keep things feeling fresh and exciting by inviting someone new over weekly


  • Seek

Perennial plants use the winter to rest, but they aren’t stagnant. They are gathering up stores for their blooming time to come. In the darkness and dead season, give your spirit life by reading truth and listening to truth. Find a good book to encourage you in this season. Listen to podcasts or books that encourage you. Find inspirational and uplifting music to brighten your mood.

Remember that this season will come every year. Create habits and activities to look forward to in winter. Your perseverance in fighting for joy in a barren season will only enhance your joy in the fruitful one. Rather than a “bleak midwinter,” let this be a hopeful one.

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