Five Scripture to Pray When Your Work Feels Insignificant

Five Scripture to Pray When Your Work Feels Insignificant February 1, 2025

Sometimes are days feel redundant, and we wonder if the work we are doing matters. If you’re a mom and especially a mom of young ones, you have years ahead of you before you will see the fruit of the repetitive work that you are currently doing. How can we stay motivated, encouraged, and inspired to keep on, even when the days seem endless, and the work seems insignificant?

Here are three scriptures to pray that will help you take these wayward thoughts captive and replace them with truth.

Scripture: John 6:9 “There is a boy here who has five barley loaves and two fish, but what are they for so many?”

Prayer: Lord, I feel as though my efforts are only a drop in a bucket, but I know that you create out of nothing. Father, take my loaves and fishes and multiply them. Let the seemingly simple work I do be for the great glory of your kingdom. Help me to trust that the tasks you have entrusted me with, matter.

Scripture: John 4:37 For in this case the saying ‘One sows and another reaps’ is true.

Prayer: God, I am not seeing fruit or blessing as a result of my efforts, yet I trust that you are working behind the scenes. Help me to remember that it is not about me, but about glorifying you. I pray that you will add my efforts to the efforts of others for the sake of your Kingdom.

Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 4:11  . . .aspire to live quietly, and to mind your own affairs, and to work with your hands . . .

Prayer: Jesus, my life is definitely quiet, but I see that you do not consider that a bad thing. Though my works are not praised, they can praise you. Remind me of the beauty of attending to the gifts you have given me and the honor of being able to use my hands in service. Help me to aspire to these things. I know that you are leading me in these spaces that feel insignificant. Keep me from desiring glory for myself. May I bestow it only upon you.




I am content to fill a little space if God be glorified.

– Susanna Wesley –
mother of John and Charles Wesley

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