June 16, 2016

The orphan crisis is a global tragedy. It crosses international borders, racial divides, and economic classes. It impacts children from every walk of life, and something must be done about it. Right now, there are more than 150 million children in the world living as orphans. In America, there are currently around 400,000 children living in foster care. Here are a few key stats to help better understand the orphan crisis: The births of nearly 230 million children under age... Read more

June 1, 2016

The adoption journey isn’t easy. There are many ups-and-downs, many obstacles to overcome, and many barriers to break down. It is not easy, but it is worth it. We want to celebrate the beauty of adoption, and that’s why we love this family’s story. They were planning on one daughter, but God had other things in mind. Check out this heartwarming video!   For more stories like this one, click here! We are all called to care for orphans. You... Read more

May 27, 2016

Language matters. The way we choose to use our words is vitally important. In the book of James, the tongue is compared to the rudder of a ship. The rudder is a small piece — miniscule in comparison to the size of the massive ship it is attached to — yet it controls the direction of the entire vessel. That’s a strong message from James. The way we speak is no small issue. In light of that, let’s take a... Read more

May 27, 2016

Family is a gift from God. The family unit reflects God’s love and community, and is meant to be used for his glory. We believe the family plays a powerful role in the movement to care for orphans. Right now, there are more than 150 million children around the world who are waiting for a loving family. Every 18 seconds, a child becomes an orphan. When thinking about the global orphan crisis, it’s easy to become overwhelmed with the staggering... Read more

May 27, 2016

For many years, Christian leaders around the world have reflected on the ways adoption mirrors the Gospel. God has adopted us, and in response he invites us care for those who still need a family. These three quotes display the importance of adoption in the Christian life, the power of God’s love to bring healing from brokenness, and the call everyone has to care for waiting children. “It is important to realize we adopt not because we are rescuers. No.... Read more

May 27, 2016

Every 18 seconds, a child becomes an orphan. This sad statistic is true all around the world, even in America. It’s important to realize that you don’t have to travel around the world to come face to face with this crisis. And it’s important to realize that there is something you can do about it. In the US, often times a child who has experienced abuse and neglect will be placed in the custody of the state. While the best... Read more

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