3 Great Quotes About Adoption

3 Great Quotes About Adoption May 27, 2016


For many years, Christian leaders around the world have reflected on the ways adoption mirrors the Gospel. God has adopted us, and in response he invites us care for those who still need a family.

These three quotes display the importance of adoption in the Christian life, the power of God’s love to bring healing from brokenness, and the call everyone has to care for waiting children.

“It is important to realize we adopt not because we are rescuers. No. We adopt because we are rescued.” — David Platt

Perspective changes everything. It is important we do not see ourselves as heroes swooping in to save the day. No one person is above any other, especially in light of the life of Christ. Any love given is simply a response to love that has been given to us. In any case, a child’s inherent worth and human dignity must be protected and valued above all else in the way we approach adoption.

“Families don’t have to match. You don’t have to look like someone else to love them.” — Leigh Anne Tuohy

Many parents who grow their families through adoption experience the unique obstacles that come with leading a multi-racial or multi-ethnic family. Leigh Anne Tuohy, who is famously known as the real-life mother portrayed in the movie The Blind Side, knows this very well. These obstacles may be difficult, but love is worth it. Family is more than blood. Family is love, and you don’t have to look like someone else to love them.

“In the New Testament, we don’t find our gift through self-examination and introspection and then find ways to express it. Instead, we love one another, serve one another, help one another, and in so doing we see how God has equipped us to do so.” — Russell Moore, in his book The Adopted Life

Russell Moore is the father of a family that has grown through adoption. He is also the President of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention. In this quote, he shares a great, needed reminder: You don’t have to have it all together to love someone. You can trust in God’s leading and provision, because you are only able to love in response to the love God has already given to you!


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