4 Reasons Every Child Needs A Family

4 Reasons Every Child Needs A Family August 4, 2016

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Every child needs a family.

We believe this is a fundamental truth about human beings. We were created to live with the love, protection, and permanency of a family. But for more than 140 million children in the world, the love of a family is not a present reality.

That is not okay, and here are four reasons why:

1. Family Restores Health

The medical challenges facing children who have been orphaned can include malnutrition, parasitic infections, and HIV/AIDS. In addition, children who fall outside the advocacy of a family are often also negatively impacted in regards to medical care. In many cases, medical resources are outside their reach.

Children who have experienced early attachment injuries may also experience developmental delays, struggle with a failure to thrive, and/or experience attachment challenges. The gift of receiving the love and nurture provided through secure family attachments is the best way to bring healing and restore a child’s physical, mental, and emotional health.

2. Family Restores Future

When a child is able to grow up in the protection, love, and nurture of a secure family unit, many responsibilities are held by the parents. Many children living as orphans are forced to take on responsibilities that would not be theirs in a secure family structure, potentially suppressing their ability to pursue their goals and dreams.

The nurture of a family allows the child to develop healthy trust and attachment patterns that will provide a basis for all future relationships. Families provide a safe place to consider the plethora of possibilities that the future holds. The stability and support of a family provides a strong foundation which allows children to dream and explore what is possible, and to look at their future with hope.

3. Family Restores Education

While many children impacted by the orphan crisis may continue to have access to an education, the reality for most is that the hope of gaining an education and the long-term benefits that follow it are often very much at-risk. Even in countries where a basic education is provided through a stable educational system, children who have been orphaned or who are living outside the advocacy of a family can easily fall through the cracks. A family can uniquely influence and advocate for increased educational opportunities as well as nurture a lifelong love of learning.

4. Family Restores Hope

There is no greater gift that families can give than to restore the presence of love, security, and connection to a waiting child through adoption. Through the support and stability of a loving family, children can begin to heal and flourish.

No family is perfect. We’re all broken—flawed in our own unique ways. No matter where you are in life, there will be hardships and struggles. But the love and protection of a family is vital for every child. Each and every child needs a family.

If you are ready to help restore health, futures, education, and hope to waiting children around the world, you can join with Show Hope today. Whether you are ready to adopt, want to provide adoption aid for those seeking to adopt, or are looking for other creative ways to care for orphans, we are excited about all the ways we can partner together to answer God’s call.

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