i want to turn into a dog, but how?

i want to turn into a dog, but how? October 31, 2011
I’m a pastor’s wife looking for inexpensive baby gifts.Was George Washington brilliant or lucky?
Why do fat women like Tweety Bird?
I have to sit down blob.
You don’t want to be in my shoe, my shoe.
Stallone in the dark;
Planet tushy.
Beer is sabotaging my fat loss.
I’ll claw your eyes out.
 God, God, God, else but God:
Accidentally whole bottle.
How to reply when your answer is stupid?
How to make gargoyle feet?
Knock knock. Who’s there?  Never.
Victorian cats;
Get down, down, down; sit on the premium.
Superman unclothes
Are there any non-dorky homeschooling parents?
Simcha Fisher gun-wielding butt.support+wife’s+stupid+ideas:
Lori Petty theme.
Disney penis,
Outrageous mustache,
Simcha dog hero.
Danielle feral,
Awful teeth,
Joke meningitis joke.
Big fig newton,
X-ray monkey,
“Wonky tonky” meaning.
Kosher condomes for ivf;
How is being told your butt is abig a complement to a girl?
He is a chubby man.
Simcha Fisher
Modesty debate.
I will make you fishers of pants.

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