Help a mom of 11 go to nursing school

Help a mom of 11 go to nursing school September 3, 2013

Here’s the short version: a Catholic mother is raising eleven children on her own.  She is trying to raise money to go to nursing school to support her family.

She’s not looking for an easy ride.  In a recent blog post, she says,

 Yesterday I had my third appointment with the state in regard to funding my Pharmacy Tech class.  It is a certificate class, therefore it is not covered under financial aid.  My hope was to be working as a Pharmacy Tech by January, so I could afford to live while going to Nursing School.  (Nursing School the long way – 2 years from next September done.  Nursing School the accelerated way – 1 year from next January done, super intensive, and they won’t let you work, because there’s no time.  I’m applying to both.)  The state will give up to $3500 for unemployed adults or displaced homemakers to get quick training for employment.  Pharmacy Tech training is only $1000.  I brought in proof of a job search, several employment ads from the area and a brochure from the school stating Pharmacy Techs make an average of $38,000 year – about double what I’ve ever made.

The woman I met with was super kind and very helpful, but she told me that they’ve only ever placed two Pharmacy Tech students of which neither finished the program.  She also looked up labor statistics in our area and said entry level was $10.17 an hour.  Apparently, the Norwich/New London area is the third most economically depressed in the country.  They are only currently placing people in cross-country CDL training or machining.  Great.

But she always finds bright spots to report.  Skim her blog, and you might not even realize that she’s telling a story of struggle.

If you can give a little bit, please help her find her way toward a better life.  This is a strong, determined, courageous woman who needs to see some kindness and goodness. If you have a blog, or on Facebook or Twitter, please pass it on!  Again, her Indiegogo account, where she’s raising money to go to nursing school, is here.



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