A few things

A few things November 18, 2013

1.  Jen Fulwiler’s long-anticipated spiritual memoir, Something Other than God, is finally out! Well, it will be out in March, and available for pre-order in December. I love conversion stories, and Jen is such a clear, honest, compelling writer.  Here’s the cover, designed by John Herreid, who also did my book’s cover.

Can’t wait to read it!


2.  Rebecca Frech, author of Teaching in Your Tiara, has written a neat review of my book for Catholic Lane.  I was especially glad to hear from Rebecca because her immensely popular book is about homeschooling, and yet she does not treat me as a pariah for saying that, while some public schools are bad, there are others public schools where your kids can get a decent, non-soul-losing education.


I haven’t had a chance to read Rebecca’s book yet, but it sounds great — sensible and encouraging, funny and realistic.


3.  Something personal:  you may have noticed that I haven’t exactly written anything in a long, long time.  Just a lot of “Heyyyy, look at this neat thing” and “Boy, get a load of this.”  This is because I am feeling bad, and have been for a few months.  Can’t seem to shake it, and doing things like laundry and dishes are using up all the creative energy and ambition I can muster.  If you could say a quickie prayer for me (and my family, who of course bear the brunt of me feeling bad), I would be very grateful. Thanks.

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