Prayer requests for my family!

Prayer requests for my family! February 21, 2014

1. My sister Sarah looks like she in labor with sweet Naomi, who is baby #8 (and daughter #7!).  Our Lady and St. Gerard Majella, please intercede for Sarah and Naomi for a fast and easy delivery and for peace and joy for the whole family.

2. Another sibling just got home from the hospital with a child who was diagnosed with an unexpected medical condition.  In the name of Jesus, we ask for strength and courage for the family as they learn how to care for this child.

3.  As long as I am asking for prayers from you lovely people, please throw in a quick prayer for our family as we deal with some situations. Sorry, vague intentions are the worst!  We are okay, but need to figure out the best way to handle some . . . stuff.

Many, many thanks!  I will keep you all in my prayers, IF you pray for me. Ha, just kidding.

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