So you want to be friends on Facebook?

So you want to be friends on Facebook? December 9, 2014

It’s okay with me. But before you commit, you should read over at least one typical thread that came about this afternoon.

It began with a criticism of the theology department of Notre Dame, briefly touched on the complimentarity of men and women as professed in Catholic doctrine, progressed to making fun of the name “Candida Moss,” leapt into a discussion of Christian Domestic Discipline (or what we, in spiritual circles, refer to as “spanky-spanky”), then someone brought up St. Paul, and then things got bogged down on the topic of whether men can or should lactate. There were Princess Bride AND Monty Python references. Then two Notre Dame alumni realized they were in the same hall, and it ended “Go Bullfrogs!” forty minutes after it started.

I just felt you should know what you are getting into.

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