Autographed books for Valentine’s Day: UPDATED

Autographed books for Valentine’s Day: UPDATED February 6, 2015

UPDATE: Thanks for the orders, folks! Leaning Into Love is sold out (from my stash, I mean; you can still order from OSV,  naturally!). I still have a few copies of The Sinner’s Guide to Natural Family Planning left. To receive an autographed copy for Valentine’s Day, YOU MUST ORDER TODAY OR SATURDAY the 7th BEFORE 11 EASTERN. I will still accept orders after that time, but I cannot guarantee they will get to you by the 14th.


I’m not going to tell you to get your wife a book or two for Valentine’s Day, but IF you are VERY SURE that she would want a book or two for Valentine’s Day, here’s a deal for you: I’m offering …

book set valentines day

The Sinner’s Guide to Natural Family Planning (OSV list price $9.95)


Catholic and Married: Leaning Into Love (OSV list price $14.95) with my chapter, called “Mirrors Around a Flame: The Gift of Children”. This is a new book from OSV. You can read a nice review of it at Aleteia here.
(If the Aleteia link isn’t working, cut and paste this into your browser:

both autographed by me. $12 each, $20 for both, including shipping.


If you’d like to order either or both of these books,

1. Email me at simchafisher[at]gmail[dot]com and put “SIGNED BOOK REQUEST” in the subject heading.

2. Include the following information:
(a) which books you would like: just SGNFP, just CMLIL, or both
(b) exactly what you would like me to write on each book’s title page (if nothing is specified, I’ll just sign my name). If you would prefer to have them without anything written in them, please specify that.
(c) the address to which you’d like the books delivered.

If any of this information is missing, I may run out of books before we can straighten it out.

3. The cost is $12 per book or $20 for both, which includes the cost of postage and shipping materials. Please pay with PayPal. You can use the link on the right sidebar (where it says “Tip tip tip!”) or use simchafisher[at]gmail[dot]com as the recipient address. Please specify “signed book” in the “note” section. (Yes, please pay via PayPal AND send me an email. Trust me, I need the email.)

4. No Valentine’s Day orders will be accepted after February 7.  You may still order signed copies after February 7 if there are any left, but I cannot guarantee it will get to the recipient before Valentine’s Day.

5. I have a limited number of copies on hand. Once they’re gone, they’re gone. If you ask very nicely, I may be willing to give up the one I inscribed for my bishop but then chickened out and didn’t give to him.


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