June 25, 2013

Happy birthday to Atoni Gaudi, the mad builder of Barcelona.  When I was visiting my sister when she lived there, we toured La Sagrada Familia, which he started in 1883 and which is still unfinished.  Gaudi’s trademark style is the “sandcastle” look and feel with mind-bending curves and Seussian angles with bright colors and unexpected juxtapositions of heavy geometric shapes.  I don’t actually know what the conventional wisdom is about Gaudi’s architecture, especially La Sagrada Familia.  Do traditionally-minded folks recoil in horror, because it’s... Read more

June 25, 2013

How is a marriage like a rotting corpse?  Find out in today’s actually kind of edifying Register post. Read more

June 24, 2013

Good heavens, I’m completely disgusted at some of the comments I’m reading about Pope Francis’ “snub” of some concert.   Here’s the only completely sensible thing I’ve heard: this is a big deal about nothing.  As one commenter pointed out, maybe the guy had diarrhea and didn’t feel like telling anyone.  Maybe an old friend is on his death bed.  Who the heck knows?  We don’t.  I’m fairly sure it wasn’t just a passive aggressive fabrication when “an archbishop told the crowd of... Read more

June 24, 2013

It’s a long story, but the basic principle is, “If you’re gonna do something stupid, go big.”  So we have an appointment to drive three hours and pick up a nice little puppy who happens to be a Great Dane/German Shepherd mix.  I have zero experience with dogs, but my husband has owned tons of them.  So I know he’ll have this guy completely under control in no time, no matter how big he gets.   While we’re waiting for... Read more

June 21, 2013

1.  Yay, Patheos tech team!  They brought my archives over from my old blog.  My pages, too, which I’ll be updating soon.  Stay tuned for a list of top ten favorite posts, or at least top posts which seem entertaining without triggering any calls to child protective services. 2.  My Register post is up:  The Happiest Voice.  Last week I had The Saddest Voice.  I think I’m onto something here.  Stay tuned next Friday for The Voice Which Best Exemplifies Perfect... Read more

June 21, 2013

and I may have cut it a leettle bit too close, snackwise.       Read more

June 20, 2013

Thanks so much to the Patheos tech team for importing my archives from my old blog!  My pages are here, too.  I’ll be updating those soon — some of them are a bit out of date.  I’ll continue posting links to all my Register pieces. I’m still working on redirecting my old feed subscribers to my new feed, or however you say it.  In the mean time, please do subscribe to this blog, or follow me here.  You can subscribe via... Read more

June 20, 2013

This is what I’ve been trying to tell you.  You are not getting nearly enough chicken fat, beets, or fish jelly in your diet.  Or tzimmes (which sounds delicious, but is basically a bunch of strangled root vegetables with hot prunes).  Yes, gentiles, if you ate more food that looked like this: you wouldn’t need this: Found in my local grocery store circular.  Oh, New Hampshire. Read more

June 19, 2013

Or become a 1970’s lawyer, one or the other.  Check it out. (language warning) Read more

June 19, 2013

Cute little story on NPR’s Morning Edition today:  Parvum Opus: Followers Flock To Pope’s Latin Twitter Feed.  I didn’t realize this, but the Pope’s Twitter account was only available in Latin as of this year. When the Latin account was launched in January, Vatican officials didn’t expect more than 5,000 Latin nerds, that is, followers. But by May, it had surpassed Polish and was in a tie with German at more than 100,000. “The surprise is that nerds are in... Read more

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