Unpacking Christianity’s Main Character Syndrome

Unpacking Christianity’s Main Character Syndrome April 22, 2024

Image created via Leonardo.ai

Welcome to the grand premiere of “Christianity: The Ego Edition,” where the pews are packed with aspiring stars, each convinced they’re the lead in the divine screenplay. Here, God is the celestial director, doling out roles in a cosmic drama where every believer is convinced they’re the protagonist. But in this theater, the script seems a tad skewed, favoring self-promotion over self-sacrifice. When everyone’s vying for the spotlight, the essence of the gospel gets lost in the glare.

The Narcissism of the ‘Chosen One’ Narrative

Christianity in its modern, consumerist costume seems to have confused the pulpit with a personal development stage. The message is clear: You are the chosen one, selected for greatness, and your VIP pass to divine favor awaits collection. This divine lottery, however, seems to contradict the script Jesus handed out – one that favored the serving of supper over being the guest of honor at banquets.

The Misinterpretation of Scripture

Verses like Jeremiah 29:11 (For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future) have become the spiritual equivalent of fortune cookies, twisted to fit personal narratives and embroidered on throw pillows. The context, the historical significance, the actual audience? Its Scripture turned into a self-serve buffet, where you can pick and choose the most appealing verses and disregard the rest. 

The Dangers of ‘God’s Plan’ Obsession

The relentless pursuit of God’s plan has birthed a generation of celestial strategists, decoding every life event as if it’s Morse code from the heavens. This divine detective work often leads to a passive existence, where personal responsibility is shrugged off like an inconvenient truth. Missed opportunities aren’t lessons learned; they’re simply not part of the plan. Life becomes a waiting game for divine intervention rather than a journey of proactive faith.

The ‘Called’ Clergy as Superstars

The pulpit has turned into a stage for the spiritually elite, where pastors are the celebrity headliners, their divine calling often indistinguishable from personal ambition. Sermons are performances, congregations are fan bases, and spirituality is measured in likes, shares, and retweets. In this system, shepherding the flock becomes secondary to personal brand expansion and theological sound bites designed for virality, not veracity.

Spiritual Gifts or X-Men Auditions?

Enter the era of spiritual gift assessments – personality quizzes draped in holiness. Discovering your spiritual superpower is the new trend, turning church into a training ground for Christian mutants. While these assessments can foster self-awareness, they risk overshadowing the core of Christian service – humility, kindness, and compassion – with a flashy, but often shallow, display of spiritual showmanship.

The Ego in ‘Spiritual Well-Endowedness’

The modern church, with its neon crosses and concert-like worship services, often feels more like a showcase for spiritual grandstanding. It’s a holy competition where the most ‘spiritually endowed’ are put on a pedestal, their public prayers and prophetic utterances masking a deeper issue – a faith that’s more about personal validation than selfless devotion.

Service vs. Self-Aggrandizement

True faith is gritty. It’s found in the trenches of everyday life, in acts of service that don’t make the church bulletin or the Instagram feed. It’s not about discovering your starring role in the divine narrative or flaunting your spiritual prowess. It’s about embracing the mundane yet radical call to love, serve, and walk humbly. It’s about washing feet, not waiting for your crown.

Perhaps it’s time to turn the cameras off, to step out of the spotlight and into the shadows where real faith resides. Instead of auditioning for the lead role in the celestial saga, let’s return to the roots of our faith – a narrative where love is the theme, service is the plot, and humility is the climax. In the grand narrative of faith, the true heroes are often the ones off-screen, living out a story of quiet, relentless love. In the end, the measure of our faith isn’t how well we played the main character but how faithfully we supported the cast around us – those who never made it to center stage but gave their all behind the scenes.


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About Stuart Delony
I'm Stuart Delony, your companion on this exploratory journey. As a former pastor now podcast host, I've shifted from sermons to conversations with Snarky Faith, promoting meaningful discussions about life, culture, spirituality. Disheartened by the state of institutionalized Christianity, my aim is to rekindle its foundational principles: love, compassion, and dignity. If you're yearning for change or questioning your faith, you've found a refuge here. You can read more about the author here.
"Great day today. God, love for all and country. BBQ bliss too. ❤️🇺🇲💙"

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