
Meta: On God, the Big Questions, and the Just City (An Uncommon Exchange)

by Andrew Murtagh and Adam Lee


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Meta chronicles the journey of Andrew Murtagh and Adam Lee in their uncommon exchange turned friendship. From foundational metaphysics to the application of God’s existence, Murtagh and Lee guide their audience through the lenses of their respective worldviews to the questions of morality, consciousness, free-will, and religious experience. From ancient Greek philosophers to Aquinas, Enlightenment thinkers like Descartes and Hume, to the philosophers and scientists of today – Murtagh and Lee wrestle with the big questions in light of classical theism and naturalism.

Why is there something rather than nothing? What is the ultimate nature of reality and how does that extend into the public square? In this treatise, two passionate truth seekers aim to change the way the discussion is being had from the vantage points of Christianity and atheism. Is theism or atheism more compelling? If theism, why Christianity? Did Jesus even exist? After theism/atheism, then what? What is the good life? Is morality objective? What does abortion, education, and healthcare look like in the just city? Embarking on a quest for truth on the big questions, their world views clash in a philosophical tour de force. In their discord, a blossoming friendship; in their agreement, vows to change the world…

Both authors have chosen to donate 20% of the profits from the sales of the book to fight against human trafficking at home and abroad. Readers will be captivated by the earnest quest for truth and humanitarian effort that is Meta: On God, the Big Questions, and the Just City.

Praise and Reviews:

“Andrew Murtagh and Adam Lee provide a model of how conversations in day-to-day life can be touched by the philosophical spirit—one that seeks actual reasons for accepting or rejecting various claims, that acknowledges the limitations of one’s own perspective, and that is open to altering one’s views in the evolving endeavor to discern what is true and to order one’s life accordingly.”

—William Jaworski, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Philosophy at Fordham University and author of Structure and the Metaphysics of Mind

“A bold journey… The nature of the good, the existence of God, faith and reason, the problem of evil, the historicity of Jesus, consciousness, heaven, causation, justice, church and state, and abortion, it’s all here… If you share Murtagh and Lee’s passion for the friendly pursuit of truth across deep intellectual divides, then Meta is for you.”
—Randal Rauser, Ph.D., Professor of Historical Theology at Taylor Seminary and author of An Atheist and a Christian Walk Into a Bar

“Perhaps you have grown tired of scholarly dialogues that regularly lose the audience in technicalities, or where opponents scream over each other so neither can be heard. If you enjoy dialogues but refuse to pay these prices, try this discussion between Andrew Murtagh (a Christian) and Adam Lee (an atheist).”

—Gary Habermas, Ph.D., Distinguished Research Professor & Chair of Philosophy at Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary and author of The Historical Jesus

“A theist and an atheist walk into a radio station, and out come a brilliant series of letters. Thoughtful, witty, respectful – Lee’s and Murtagh’s extended conversation about the nature of truth, existence, and morality transcends competition and spectacle.”

—Katherine Stewart, journalist and author of The Good News Club: The Religious Right’s Stealth Assault on America’s Children

Proof of Divine: One Man’s Journey from Doubt to Faith, Hope and Love 

by Andrew Murtagh

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Proof of Divine presents the journey of author Andrew Murtagh as he straddles the fence between faith and cynicism in an all-or-none look at the greatest story ever told. Blending his family’s incredible stories of survival, faith, hope, and love, matched with his own walk from hockey player to coach to husband, father, and career man, he embarks on a five-year expedition towards the intersection of faith and reason.

Is there a God? Are science and faith mutually exclusive? What is truth and what of logic, morality, and meaning? Who is the historical Jesus, and why Christianity? The faith of scientists, the science of skeptics, the questions of time, life, and purpose, Murtagh looks back at his own life and the inspiring lives of his forefathers to decide if he is an accident or an intention.

The graze of a bullet, a soldier surrounded, an armed robbery, and a fateful desert drive-Murtagh puts the faith of his youth to the ultimate test: the Proof of Divine.

Praise and Reviews

“An earnest memoir-cum-religious treatise … Murtagh’s quest for knowledge is sincere, and his clear, thoughtful writing may provide new perspectives for readers unfamiliar with the subjects at hand.”

– Kirkus Reviews

“Told in a warm, personal way, Murtagh’s pilgrimage is laced with evidence, argumentation, and fair assessment of the evidence for and against belief. A real strength of the book is its use of bullet points to highlight the central questions and issues that were at the core of Murtagh’s quest … Proof of Divine will engage the reader, challenge unbelievers, and strengthen believers. I highly recommend it.”

– J. P. Moreland, distinguished professor of philosophy Talbot School of Theology, Biola University

“This wonderfully written account is that of a man pursuing the journey of life in a quest to find ultimate meaning in the universe. It was exceptionally difficult to put down—I raced through it in one sitting … Murtagh knows how to punch the right buttons … There is something here for everyone, and I recommend it highly.”

– Gary R. Habermas, distinguished research professor and chair Department of Philosophy and Theology, Liberty University

“I love this book and the intellectual honesty and humility of the author … The caution and finesse with which the author stayed within the limits of science and logic was impressive … Andrew is a storyteller par excellence, and when he weaves these stories with science using his keen intellect as an engineer, it becomes a must-read.”

– Steve A. Johnson, professor of psychology and theology Columbia International University

“If you’re on the hunt for answers to life’s biggest questions, then Murtagh is your guy … This book is story filled, content rich, and could change your life forever.”

– Bobby Conway, One Minute Apologist and author of Doubting Towards Faith

“This is a good book for someone wanting to brush up on theological argument without losing the soul of the story of Christ.”

– John Wilkinson, author of No Argument For God