The Struggles of Modern Moms

The Struggles of Modern Moms April 16, 2018

What are some of your greatest joys as a mom?

Jamie: The joys come in the most unexpected places. The first time my oldest said “mom,” he was four and eating Cheerios and I was halfway across the room. He just said it and I cried. I still cry thinking about it. That was a prayer I wasn’t sure I’d ever see fulfilled. Oh, and I get such a kick out of my kids. They’re funny. All kids are funny. But mine have a humor particular to our family. They like grammar jokes and yelling factoids about the solar system and pretending the furniture is their friend. You can’t not be joyful when they are their weird selves.

How do you find grace in raising kids?
Jamie: Prayer. Then more prayer. And then I ask my husband to tell me the things I’m doing right when I feel like I’m doing it all wrong. Of course, I take reassurance in the fact that the sun will set and rise again, and I will get another chance.

What do you hope women will take away from reading your book?
Jamie: I hope that they will recognize themselves, if not in the plot line of events, then in the expectations we all have that go unmet. Eventually I had to learn to live by God’s plan. Once I did, it was extraordinarily freeing. That’s where the grace is hidden. That’s what I hope the women who read Unbound will feel as well. I hope too that they will connect with the other women of the Bible whose stories I share and who taught me so much about living an unexpected life.

Join Sarah and other parent coaches during a free Facebook party on Friday, April 27, from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Eastern time to discuss transitions and any issues you face as a parent. Visit for details.

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