Nurturing Healthy Relationships By Starting the New Year on the Right Foot
As the first month of 2024 comes to a close, I’m taking the time to reflect back on 2023 and set my sights on nurturing healthy relationships by starting my new year off on the right foot. Stepping into the dawn of the new year, I’m taking some time to reflect on how my relationships impact my life.
I’m not talking about romantic relationships here. I’m talking about my relationships with my peers and family. Here are some of the things I’m looking at in reflection.
Quality Time
Spending quality time with those I love is more important than the quantity of time. There have been times in the past when I confused quantity with quality. It’s not the amount of time I spend but what I do when I’m spending time with my loved ones.
My goal for the new year is to spend more quality time. Make each moment more meaningful than worrying about how long I can spend time with others. I may not be able to spend a lot of time with someone, but that doesn’t mean I don’t care or love them. I’m staying true to this goal by focusing on more meaningful time.
It’s important to me that I remain in communication with my family and loved ones, even if they are far away. It’s not always easy, and it does require some work on my part, but, as my uncle says, “the phone works both ways.” It doesn’t take a lot of effort to pick up the phone and call my family and friends.
I hope to remember to continue staying in touch with my family and friends and make those calls that I often think of but fail to act on. If I’m thinking of them, I should simply pick up the phone and call them. It’s that simple.
As a parent, getting caught up in caring for everyone but yourself is easy. It’s important to practice some self-care, too. It may simply be a ten-minute shower or a ten-minute walk, but it’s important to take care of myself and prioritize my self-care.
How can I possibly care for so many others if I neglect myself? By prioritizing my self-care, I can help avoid burnout and be my best for those I care for. It will give me more energy and help me to be a better person.
Focus On The Positive
I hope to focus more on the positive and less on the negative this year. By encouraging others and maintaining a positive mindset, I hope to foster a healthier environment. I am the author of my own life, so out with the negative and in with the positive.
For every negative I hear, I’m going to find two or more positives to counteract it. I hope that I can maintain this mindset for the entire year.
I hate conflict. I will go out of my way to avoid it. If I sense that something is going to become a conflict, I hope to resolve it and avoid procrastination. It’s easy to procrastinate, but the truth is that procrastination just prolongs the suffering.
If I procrastinate, then I tend to dwell on the negativity that it gives me and that I’m trying to avoid. I’ll work harder to resolve conflicts before they arise and hopefully avoid the stress that I’ve put myself under to avoid things.
Now that I have a plan for my new year, I can set my goal for success. I feel like I’m starting out on the right foot and much healthier. I also hope to celebrate the success of my friends and family without feeling envious.
A relationship is only as good as the people in the relationship. By intentionally making the conscious effort to change my life, I hope to continue improving my life and that of those around me. I’m excited for the positive year ahead of me. How about you?