Cardinal Gerhard Müller raises the “heresy question” about Pope Francis, and my book brings the receipts!
“The Best Book on Pope Francis”
Every news organization on planet earth—including Patheos— has been covering the blockbuster Pope Francis news since the conclusion of the Synod on Synodality:
- Pope Francis fired American bishop Joseph Strickland without offering any explanation.
- Pope Francis published a new apostolic letter calling for a “cultural revolution” in theology.
- Cardinal Gerhard Müller, recent head of the Vatican CDF, raised the question of heresy in regard to Pope Francis and the Synod, not once, but TWICE.
I’ve written extensively on Pope Francis, and so The Stream’s John Zmirak interviewed me about these post-synodal headlines. Zmirak stated that I “wrote the best book on Pope Francis,” and so I wanted to take a moment to agree with him. 😉
The reason for my agreement? Because my book connects the many dots which collectively demonstrate that, indeed, Pope Francis is a heretic. The reason that this fact is not well understood is because journalists and commentators only consider the pope’s statements in isolation, apart from their historical context. My book Confronting the Pope of Suspicion uncovers the secret intellectual history behind the ideas of Amoris Laetitia. And once you see that history, it becomes impossible to deny the heretical origins of the Pope Francis agenda. This podcast tells the whole story:
Edited, Partial Transcript
Pope’s New Motu Proprio Contains Charles Curran’s Heresy
As I said, Pope Francis threw out the Bible in his new motu proprio. But most of the headlines– if you’ve been following this story and Catholic media– do not cover the story that way. But I think you’ll see shortly how I came to that conclusion. It starts with an article I wrote at my Patheos blog, Soul Science. I wrote this article right before the Synod got started. My prediction was that the Synod was going to adopt an old heresy by Charles Curran. That heresy states that moral theology should be based on science rather than on the teachings of the Bible. And the idea … behind making such a change is that the revolutionaries believe that this opens the door for changing the church’s teaching on homosexuality.
And so one of the major themes of my presentation here is this: You need to read this article over at Patheos because I’m explaining something that is not well understood in Catholic media. It’s not well understood in the legacy media either. And what’s not being understood is the historical context of Pope Francis’ ideas, especially the ones in Amoris Laetitia.
So let’s get into this motu proprio. That’s a Latin term. It’s basically a letter written by Pope Francis called an apostolic letter. The title of it is “Ad Theologiam Promovendam.” That’s a mouthful. It was published on November 1st, 2023, All Saints Day. Which is convenient, as I’m sure many of those saints were turning over in their graves as they read the Pope’s words. So let me go over some of the content of this letter. I got this from The Pillar, which I think did a fair job of summarizing the apostolic letter. I’m not so crazy about their news analysis on it, though.
A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words
The slide pictured below comes from the podcast. In it, I summarize the case for heresy against Pope Francis. Admittedly, the slide is missing references. But it wasn’t really intended to stand on its own either. You can find the citations in the show.