PODCAST—Movies, Mysticism and Green Beer—SOUL #11

PODCAST—Movies, Mysticism and Green Beer—SOUL #11 March 20, 2024

SOURCE: sam99929 / Pixabay

Partial, Edited Transcript

Hello everyone! And welcome to SOUL SCIENCE, episode 11. I am, as you can tell, still getting over a cold. And we’re just going to try to power through this. Today’s episode is called “News and Reviews. And you can see that the theme for today is St. Patrick’s Day, which was yesterday. Or the day before yesterday.  So we’re doing sort of a combo St. Patrick’s /St. Joseph’s Day. And up on the screen, here, you can see my great  Catholic “buddies,” also in the St. Patrick’s Day Spirit. 

LGBT Catholic Leaders Attend White House Brunch

If you didn’t hear, there was the the annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade in New York City.  It was a little different this year. The Catholic pro-life organizations were were stuck on the side of the street because they weren’t allowed to participate. Now Father James Martin and his buddies also did not participate in the parade. They were busy fraternizing with Joe Biden and all the big wigs at the White House.  At a big luncheon for “Catholic” leaders  that, you know, that Joe Biden likes. So, um,  something of a contradiction possibly there that I don’t want to get into it too much. But the story is important because I’ve been covering this on previous  episodes. 

Is Biden Giving Support to the LGBT Synod?

You look at the guys on the left-hand side. Father James Martin. He’s been the Editor-in-chief of America Magazine forever, as far as I know.  And he’s the founder of Outreach Magazine, which is the LGBT offshoot magazine of America. And at the end of the first round of the synod, Father James Martin announced an expansion for the role of Outreach  Magazine to help implement the goals of the synod.  And so he stepped down from the leadership and appointed the fellow to his left.  James O’Loughlin is a former Boston Globe reporter. And now he is the new executive director … and the “wartime consigliere” of Father James Martin over at Outreach Magazine.

Catholic LGBT Activism Has Money and Power

So I’m getting over my cold.  And you’ll have to forgive me. I’m a little foggy-headed. So, hopefully, my cough doesn’t come back. All right. I would have so much to say about this.… One of the things I think I’m trying to say here with these pictures is that this is a big deal. A picture is worth a thousand words. And what you’re not understanding is these guys are fundraisers.

I mean Outreach Magazine is now a fundraising mission for the implementation of LGBT activism in Catholic institutions. And here they are, the three executives from Outreach. I don’t know the the gentleman’s name on on the right. I forgot. He’s some sort of managing editor. Or something like that. But, um, and and  I think I’ve made this point before. I mean  … these guys are getting interviewed by CNN and The New York Times. They’re getting invited to the White House, folks. What’s  happening here is Christianity is being redefined by the radical left. [SEE EPISODE 11 FOR THE FULL SHOW.]

About John Gravino
John Gravino is the author of The Immoral Landscape of the New Atheism, which was the topic of a health and spirituality seminar at Duke Medical School. He continues to explore the intersection of health and religion and the other big questions of life right here at Patheos. You can read more about the author here.
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