Violet Aura Color Personalities Are Being Challenged Right Now

Violet Aura Color Personalities Are Being Challenged Right Now July 6, 2018

Because it’s a Violet age, you Violets are in your power time. This is when you’re supposed to be “stepping up” – accomplishing your bigger purposes and visions. And you Violets are feeling it. You probably first heard your inner voice telling you something felt wrong – that you needed to change or do something different with you life. If you follow what it’s telling you, everything will some how work out. If you don’t listen to that inner voice, you will get a more obvious nudge or wake up call. If you don’t pay attention to that – the wake up calls will get much louder! 

About 90% of my clients these days are Violets! That’s huge! They’re feeling squeezed – most didn’t listen to that small inner voice. Now they’re coming in with depression, serious health issues, divorces, deaths, and other dramas. If you feel stuck or unsure how you’re going to accomplish your dreams, if you haven’t found a way to move forward, you’re most likely getting the rug pulled out from under you to make you move forward. You Violets have always had big dreams. It doesn’t matter if others don’t dream or envision that big – you do and there are reasons for that. 

  1. You didn’t want to be bored this lifetime – you wanted to have a bigger life, a more extraordinary experience. So what you do this lifetime needs to be extraordinary. And because you have so much compassion and depth to you (even if you’re currently frustrated with humanity – that’s common for Violets) you need to do something that improves the quality of life for others. You need to help or inspire people in a big way – to improve the quality of life for others. That is a tall order. If you leave the planet without fulfilling your reason for coming here – you’ll most likely have regrets.
  1. You Violets typically would prefer not to “have to” come back to this plane, this planet again. You’ve had so many lifetimes – it can get boring or overwhelming here for you. This plane usually feels dense and tough to you. So you need to tie up all lose ends, resolve any issues you have with people, move through your frustration, not give up in hopelessness – because if you leave the planet that way, you’ll make yourself come back here again. (Belief systems aside – that is THE worse thing for a Violet to hear.)

Advice on how to move forward and live your potential:

  1. First, listen to your inner voice
  2. If you think you don’t know how to accomplish what that voice is telling you to do – imagine someone coming to you with the same dream and confusion, and see what you would advise them to do. You Violets are some of the world’s best advice-givers. You just need to listen to your own advice.
  3. Be around people who are doing what you want to do, be around the energy of what you want to do with your life. It will make it more real for you. You pick up the energy of the environment around you. Chose the people and environment that will inspire you to believe in your vision!
  4. Violets benefit from mentors. Find people or at least read biographies about people (other Violets) who inspire you and then do what they did – or something similar. Did they have courage? Did they not give up on their dreams? Did they go the extra mile? Did they take it step by step – and eventually find themselves living their dreams? What inspires you about them? Be and act that same way.
  5. Meditate – Violets need to have quiet time to connect with their vision and higher guidance. If you can’t sit still – take a walk, listen to inspirational or calming music, do something to quiet that critical voice so you can get out of your own way.

These are few steps to help you Violets live your purpose and your dreams. I’m doing what I can to support you Violets to live your passion and potential. Go for it! If you fall – just get up again. Giving up will lead to depression and self-disappointment. That’s worse than failing. 


Pamala Oslie is an author, consultant, radio show host, professional psychic intuitive, and aura expert. Pamala has appeared on ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, FOX, The Dr. Oz Show, The View, The Ricki Lake Show, Coast to Coast with George Noory, Hallmark’s Better TV, Gaiam TV with Lisa Garr, and many other television and radio shows. She has also been featured in many national magazines.

Pam is the Founder of AuraColors a site designed to help you create love, joy and fulfillment in EVERY area of your life. She also developed LoveColors, this site is designed to help you find love and friendships by matching you with people who have compatible aura colors.

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