April 20, 2017

Do you want to create something else? For instance, do you want to travel? Do you want a new job, a healthier body, or a loving relationship? This process applies to anything and everything. There are no limits to what you can create. There are no degrees of ease or difficulty to what you can create. The only limitations we have are those we believe in. If you believe it’s easy to create a job, but challenging to find love,... Read more

April 13, 2017

People have asked about pets and aura color compatibility so this is what I’ve observed over the years. Generally, but not always, these are the pets found with the different aura colors personalities: Yellows like dogs and dogs like Yellows. Both are fun and playful. Both love to exercise and run around outdoors. Physical and affectionate Yellows enjoy dogs because they are also physical and affectionate. The intuitive and home-loving Blues often prefer cats. Cats also seem to love being... Read more

February 16, 2017

Here are some short descriptions of what the different aura color personalities need to have happy and fulfilling relationships. (If people want to know their aura colors they can go to www.LifeColorsCity.com and quickly take the quiz.) Red Aura Color Personality: Anyone who is going to spend quality time with Reds will need to be healthy and in great physical shape. Most Reds enjoy strenuous, robust activities. They prefer partners who have strength, stamina, and vitality. There are the traditional,... Read more

January 29, 2017

I do see a lot of people being challenged by being on the planet right now. There is a LOT going on! But there are some great things coming – so for all of you out there that are being frustrated, frightened or overwhelmed – hang in there. These are the transformational times you signed up for. You wanted to be here during this time to see what shifts you could help with or support or experience. (I’m guessing a... Read more

January 23, 2017

Your imagination is a powerful tool for creating the mental pictures that will strengthen your new beliefs.  By imagining your new pictures, you send directions to your inner self, which knows how to create and bring these pictures into physical form. Often we fear that the new belief is just wishful thinking or that we are fooling ourselves, so we stop imagining the new.  The fear of being hurt or disappointed can also keep us from believing that a better... Read more

December 27, 2016

Start the year off right by honoring your true colors and making this New Year’s resolution the most powerful yet. Once you discover your true aura colors – what physicists call the electromagnetic field – and the personality, emotions and temperament they reflect, you can make a New Year’s resolution that will speed you on your way to living a fulfilling life.   Here is an example of a resolution you can make that will fulfill your aura color personality:... Read more

December 6, 2016

If you wish for anything more in life – more abundance, love, freedom, good health, financial security, joy, creativity, etc – and you find yourself continuously striving for it, it could be a result of how you see yourself. Ordinarily we don’t want to grade or compare ourselves with others – but this experiment is designed to discover the perspective you have of yourself. How you perceive yourself can affect, limit or enhance your life experiences. In your life –... Read more

November 17, 2016

For Your Favorite Aura Colors  Fun Holiday Gift Ideas I’ve created a list of cool gift ideas for the different aura color personalities to help you with your holiday shopping. Instead of just guessing what to buy someone, I’m hoping this information about a person’s likes and desires will help you find the perfect gift. Happy holidays! Violet aura color personalities are visionary, passionate, creative, global humanitarians, and communicators. They love music, travel, global causes, performing, photography, art, media, spirituality,... Read more

November 2, 2016

People frequently report seeing white, gold, or pink in the aura. The Life Color gold can be seen around highly evolved spiritual masters and usually signifies a very high vibration. Pink is often seen in the outer bands, not as a Life Color. Pink signifies that the person has a strong desire for love and romance. Seeing white in the aura signifies something entirely different.  For every inch of white seen next to the body, a major life question has... Read more

October 18, 2016

I received an email from a young woman asking about an issue she’s having. She’s struggling with how long it’s taking to reach her dreams and she’s starting to doubt she will ever achieve it. I know a lot of people have a similar issue, so here is a quick idea that could shift your perception and maybe change the energy around it. Sometimes coming at something from a different approach can move a project forward again. Rather than see your... Read more

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