
The Stand-Up Humanist

Welcome! My primary reason for launching the Stand-Up Humanist is to write about how fulfilling it is to be a humanist, but to do it with a bit of light-hearted humor. My other reason has to do how important it is for humanists to stand-up for our beliefs.

What the basic definition of humanism? Essentially, that we humans have enormous potential, but we’re not going to reach it until the world-at-large rejects religion and embraces reason.

Now, I can’t promise you I’m going to be funny all the time. Or, that I’ve even got something profound to say. But I’m sure going to try.

About Scott Stahlecker

Scott Stahlecker

I’m a humanist artist that hails from the Pacific Northwest. Before launching this blog, I was the columnist for Thinkadelics, The Art of Free Thought also hosted here on Patheos.

For a look at my humanist art please visit my website for more information about my books, music, photography and visual art.

Your comments are welcomed here in the comments section, or by dropping me an email at:

Email: stahleckerscott at g mail dot com