July 26, 2024

  The birds took flight as soon as I came back to the garden. Most every songbird in the neighborhood likes my sunflower wall. There are fat clumsy pigeons who nest in my gutters and cause leaks– I am supposed to hate the pigeons and chase them away, but I like them. They are the bird I would be if I were a bird. There are soft brown sparrows who look too round to fly. There is a majestic red... Read more

July 23, 2024

  I’m not saying you shouldn’t use the Hallow app. That’s not what this post is about. It’s just about making people aware so they can be savvy consumers, especially in an election year. I am a firm believer that consumers shouldn’t be shamed for using a product they find useful, even if that product is problematic in some ways. I don’t believe that being a purist about everything you buy and use can possibly fix the problems that are... Read more

July 22, 2024

  I’ve been trying, and failing, to keep up with writing about the political news. The political news keeps coming, and I have a hard time catching up except by making quips on X/Twitter. I still have a draft responding to all the hysteria regarding Joe Biden’s stutter, and I’m sad that that just doesn’t seem to be relevant right now. But I want to take a moment to try to get astride of all the weekend’s developments. On Thursday,... Read more

July 19, 2024

It hasn’t been the best of summers. Sometimes things get worse before they get better, and sometimes they just get worse. I never know which it is until after the situation is over. I tried a new probiotic pill to see if it would help heal up the embarrassing remaining symptoms that I was having– hopefully from the antibiotics I took to treat the colitis and not from the colitis. I couldn’t afford to have colitis any more. I don’t... Read more

July 16, 2024

The news is moving at a breakneck pace, so I just want to quickly write out a few more thoughts on the horrific events that took place in Pennsylvania on Saturday. First of all, my condolences go out to Mr. Comperatore’s family, and I will pray for the repose of his soul. I can’t imagine what they must be feeling right now. I’m also praying for the recovery of the other two injured persons and glad that, last I heard,... Read more

July 15, 2024

  And we’re back to the races. I have a few more things to say about the horrific events over the weekend, and I will. I have another draft almost ready to go about the continued fallout from that disastrous debate that occurred a little more than two weeks ago, or twenty years if you’ve actually been trying to follow the news and comment on it. But the news is coming so thick and so fast, I need to comment briefly... Read more

July 13, 2024

  I had another post for today: a political one, in fact. I’ll get around to that later. I just want to say that I am watching the news coming out of Pennsylvania with shock and horror. I am devastated that at least one person is dead. I’m very sad that it happened in a part of the state of Pennsylvania I know and love so much. Political violence is absolutely never the answer. We should condemn whoever did this,... Read more

July 13, 2024

  I usually name the neighborhood stray cats after the feast day on which they first visit the garden, but Goretti came a few days late. I was outside, enjoying the breeze after a stifling few days, wishing it would rain again. This hasn’t been the best of summers. It’s far from the worst, as my longtime readers know. It’s peaceful. But it’s nearly four weeks since I’ve had a drive. Jimmy says the needed tester can be rented for... Read more

July 10, 2024

  Hello folks, This is not a real post, it’s just my monthly blogkeeping post for organizing and telling you what I did when I wasn’t on Patheos. This month’s won’t be  long, because I managed to do nothing except blog on Patheos, which is incredibly frustrating. I did do a collaboration with Skylight, and you should definitely read that and tell folks how much you like it in case they want to do a collaboration again, because I had... Read more

July 9, 2024

  It’s not a good summer for the zucchini. It’s not a good summer for anything just now. It’s been unbearably hot, and it hasn’t rained nearly enough. My gut has been sick from the Augmentin I took to cure the other sick for the last three weeks: more than a month of sick all together. The car has been sick for three weeks. Jimmy will get to it just as soon as he has the time, so we can... Read more

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