You’ll Never Believe What Catholic Bloggers Do

You’ll Never Believe What Catholic Bloggers Do August 3, 2016

— I sometimes drink cheap wine, but I’m a lightweight so I’ll just pour myself a quarter-glass splash of wine and fill the rest of the glass up with cranberry juice, to make it look like I’m drinking a full glass. If there’s no cranberry I use orange and it tastes awful, but I still do it. Lemonade and cheap white wine is my favorite, though.

–I watch critically acclaimed television shows with bad words in them, and I forget to bow my head in reparation.

–I like to read Baby-Sitters’ Club books.

–I trashed my GPA in undergrad because I’m hopelessly bad at math.

–I don’t like Pumpkin Spice flavored things a whole lot. I only like them a moderate amount.

–Every time somebody serves me a sandwich with a pickle on it, I throw the pickle away. But I never remember to ask for “no pickles.”

–I giggle whenever I see the campaign slogan “Feel the Johnson.”

There you have it. I’m a horrible person. Most everybody is; in all of history, there were only two people who were not horrible in the least. And what did they do with themselves? One found herself pregnant not by her betrothed, became an illegal migrant to escape a genocide, and did not have a large family by pro-life Catholic standards. The other made a fuss in the temple and ended up publicly executed for blasphemy and treason. I am this Man’s disciple, and I hope you all will be as well. I am an unworthy daughter to this strange Woman. All generations will call her blessed, and every knee will bend before her Son. But on this earth, they were considered the worst.

It just goes to show you can never tell about people. Not from their reputation and not from screenshots either. Not from being the kind of fine upstanding person who shares screenshots and tries to expose the sins of fellow Catholics by name.

I approached this blog in the first place, with the presumption that I don’t have the right to speak about the mysteries of God. Nobody does. He’s beyond us. There is no word that can encompass Him; everything I could say is a pathetic joke compared to Him of whom I speak. I am the worst of sinners and a disaster on every level. This blog cannot be an exception. But my tongue cannot be silent because He is everywhere, and everything is grace.

I don’t like it when people say nasty things about my friends and me. This is partly due to my pride. I should have the decency to nod my head and say “uh-huh” when people call me names, because most of them are true at some level. I should let it roll off when a commentator on somebody else’s hit piece suggests that I defend rape victims because I’m unchaste. God in Heaven knows it isn’t true, but plenty of awful things you could say about me are, so it shouldn’t matter. I have definitely been guilty of detraction myself, God help me. Gossip is a fun sin. We all descend into it from time to time. But I shouldn’t. Nobody should.

You know what Catholic bloggers do? We speak about mysteries unspeakable, we do our best, we fall short. We hope to go viral and cringe at the backlash when we do. We are a grumpy and sinful lot, and I am the worst.

Let’s make a resolution, you and I. Let’s agree to talk about something more interesting than each other’s sins.




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