Hello everyone, this isn’t a real blog post, this is just my usual reminder that Steel Magnificat and my family run entirely on tips.
I get a tiny paycheck from Patheos for clicks in the United States. Sometimes that’s as high as three figures, and sometimes it only comes every two months. I get royalties for my books once a year but they don’t go very far. Ninety percent of my income so far is just gratuities from readers who like what I produce and want to see more of it. Think of it as tipping your uber driver or the person who delivers your groceries.
On a given month, between half and a third of my income is from tippers who subscribe through Paypal to tip the same amount monthly. I really appreciate that because it helps us plan our bills and rent ahead of time. The past several months have been tricky because we’re making just enough to not qualify for much assistance but not enough that we don’t have to choose between bills and groceries. There have been a lot of late fees and shutoff notices, and a lot of telling Rosie I don’t know when we can go grocery shopping. I promised Rose I’d put her back in martial arts lessons after she got vaccinated, but we’ve had to put it off. I’d very much like to see the number of regular tippers go up to help with that. But of course, if you’re like me and don’t know what your budget will be every month, it’s welcome to just tip once in awhile. I deeply appreciate my readers who like my work enough to keep paying my light bill so I can keep doing it.
So, as always, I ask: if you like my work, give me a tip when you can! Just go to the donate page here, click on the bright yellow button, and Paypal will walk you through the rest. The button says “donate” but it’s not a charitable donation, it’s just a tip. I pay taxes on it.
And now back to blog posts worth reading!
image via pixabay