Yes, Let’s Celebrate a Win for Life

Yes, Let’s Celebrate a Win for Life May 5, 2018

When life wins, we all win.

This has long been my position. There is no place in a thriving society for unfettered abortion, where the most defenseless are not jealously guarded.

I am pro-life, from the first spark of conception to the fading embers of a soul letting go of this mortal coil and transitioning from the temporal to the eternal.

With that in mind, true superheroes walk among us.

On Friday, Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds signed into law the most restrictive abortion law in the nation, and it was awesome!

Under the threat of a lawsuit by the American Civil Liberties Union and the ghouls of Planned Parenthood, who see their profit margin taking a dive, Reynolds signed into law a bill that would restrict abortions after a fetal heartbeat can be detected. That would be in the first trimester, at about 6 weeks.

Reynolds persisted.

The Republican governor signed the legislation in her formal office at the state Capitol as protesters gathered outside chanting, “My body, my choice!” Reynolds acknowledged that the new law would likely face litigation, but said: “This is bigger than just a law, this is about life, and I’m not going to back down.” Reynolds has previously said she was “proud to be pro-life.”

Imagine that. A politician claiming to be pro-life and actually doing something about it.

This bill, dubbed the “heartbeat bill,” takes a considerable leap (in the right direction) over a Mississippi law passed earlier in the year.

The Mississippi law would restrict abortion after 15 weeks. Unfortunately, the implementation of the new law is on hold, as the state deals with a court challenge by the ravenous death dealers in their midst.

The new Iowa law is set to kick in on July 1, 2018, with a few exceptions.

In cases of pregnancy through incest or rape, abortions past the 6 week stage will be allowed. The same goes if there is a threat to the health of the mother. In that situation, the mother will not be required to risk her own well-being.

And that’s a good point to be made.

Activists insist the abortion free-for-all they’d like to have in this nation is intricately wrapped up in “women’s health.”

No it’s not.

In the United States, we’re not at third world status. We’re not in the dark ages, where pregnancy could potentially be risky. We are a medically advanced society, with all the advantages that term implies.

There is very little risk to the lives of the mothers, given the technology and know-how we now possess.

According to the Alan Guttmacher Institute, women who seek out abortions for health reasons are only about 3 percent of total abortions.

Rape or incest? Even less – at about 1 percent.

To be clear, when activists and Planned Parenthood mercenaries take to the picket lines and the sympathetic media, pontificating about “women’s health,” if they mention abortion as part of that, they’re being disingenuous, at best.

Surveys through the past several decades have shown that the overwhelming majority of abortions are for elective reasons.

Either the mother wasn’t prepared to be a parent (emotionally or financially), or it’s just “inconvenient.”

“Yeah… I just want one” isn’t a compelling argument for allowing what amounts to infanticide, so activists tend to keep the more militant, heartless harridans in the background, and put seemingly reasonable, educated spokeswomen in front of the cameras to lie to us.

The critics of the Iowa bill call it “going back.”

It’s not.

Still, there may be choppy seas ahead for the new law, as activists argue that some women may not even know they’re pregnant by their sixth week.

This nanny-state mentality, insisting that people need to be protected from their decisions is what keeps us back.

Actions have consequences. That’s reality. How we plan, act, and react determines our growth and purpose.

Are you emotionally or financially unprepared to be a parent?

Think it through BEFORE you do those things that could lead to parenthood – like unprotected sex.

The idea that we claim civility and intellect, while promoting a Herod society is ludicrous.

The actual “need” for abortion is vague, small, and does not outweigh the value of a human life.

Kudos to Governor Reynolds. May many others follow her lead.



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