President Trump May Sign an Executive Order Regarding the Border Crisis

President Trump May Sign an Executive Order Regarding the Border Crisis June 20, 2018

It seems like President Trump is feeling the heat rising off of the border situation, and in particular, the “zero tolerance” policy that has resulted in young children being separated from their parents.

The optics are as horrible as they can get and House and Senate Republicans have apparently banded together to work through some sort of human solution that will provide a temporary fix.

Trump, who has previously been immovable on the subject, even expressing the need to keep things as painful as possible, in order to serve as a deterrent, is now latching on to a tip from Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer.

Trump has previously worked with Schumer and Nancy Pelosi on a deal to benefit DACA recipients.

The news coming from Washington today is that President Trump is prepared to sign an executive order that will keep families together.

“I’ll be signing something in a little while that’s going to do that,” he told reporters at the White House. “I’ll be doing something that’s somewhat preemptive and ultimately will be matched by legislation I’m sure.”

His comments come after Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen arrived at the White House on Wednesday morning amid reports the administration is weighing an executive order to end the practice.

Nielsen appeared earlier in the week at a White House press conference, attempting to explain the situation at the border, insisting that separation of families was “not policy.”

Meanwhile, White House aide Stephen Miller and various others have described it as policy.

I would seriously hate to be in Nielsen’s shoes, given the turmoil surrounding this issue.

She was ran from Washington, D.C. restaurant on Tuesday, after protesters objected to her presence and shouted her out.

That’s absolutely wrong. It’s hard to stand with one extreme or the other, given how either side is acting.

It appears she’s trying.

The Associated Press that Nielsen is drafting an executive action for Trump that would direct the Department of Homeland Security to keep families together in detention while they await hearings before immigration judges.

The White House also signaled earlier Wednesday that Trump is open to signing a narrow piece of legislation that would end the family separations, which have generated mounting backlash at home and abroad.

The plans, however, remain fluid and it is unclear whether Trump will decide to end the practice or stand by it.

Republican lawmakers from Representative Mark Meadows (R-NC) to Senator Ted Cruz (R-Tx) have offered up legislation to fix the problem, while still supporting increased border control. President Trump is said to be considering these fixes, but nothing is for certain, until it’s done.

For now, however, it appears he’ll sign a temporary fix to quell the outrage this situation has caused.

With that being said, will all those who cheered his actions at the border, the “zero tolerance” policy, and callously referred to “child actors” or the camps as “summer camps,” where will they stand?

Do they condemn Trump’s executive order, or do they cheer him for his great and merciful solution?

All hail Trump the Compassionate.




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