Sean Hannity Rushes to Blame Maxine Waters for Annapolis Shooting

Sean Hannity Rushes to Blame Maxine Waters for Annapolis Shooting June 28, 2018

In his race to elevate himself as the worst person in the United States, Fox News personality, Sean Hannity did that thing that he’s often slammed the left for: He rushed to judgment about today’s shooting at an Annapolis, Maryland newspaper office.

Five people were tragically killed when a gunman walked into the Capital Gazette newsroom and opened fire on Thursday afternoon.

In a flash, Hannity went into a rambling diatribe about the rhetoric of California Democrat, Representative Maxine Waters.

“It’s so sad that there are so many sick, demented, and evil people in this world,” Hannity told his radio listeners, in a clip first reported by Media Matters. “It really is sad. You know imagine you go to work and this is what you’re dealing with today, some crazy person comes in… and I’m not turning this into a gun debate, I know that’s where the media will be in 30 seconds from now. That’s not it.”

“You know, as I’ve always said, I mean honestly—I’ve been saying now for days that something horrible was going to happen because of the rhetoric. Really, Maxine?” he asked, referring to Waters.

He’s been going on through the week about Waters encouraging protesters to confront members of Donald Trump’s Cabinet, in response to the news of White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders being refused service and asked to leave a Virginia restaurant called the Red Hen last weekend.

She said no member of Trump’s cabinet should be allowed anywhere. That they should be harassed, shouted down, and chased out of any establishment.

It was a horrible thing for her to say to those listening to her. She’s a complete idiot, and many prominent members of her own party condemned her for it.

So how does that tie in to a shooting in an Annapolis newspaper office?

You’ll have to ask Sean Hannity.

“You want people to create—‘call your friends, get in their faces,’ and Obama said that too. ‘Get in their faces, call them out, call your friends, get protesters, follow them into restaurants and shopping malls,’ and wherever else she said.”

Again, how does this connect to Maxine Waters? She’s an awful excuse for a human being and the sooner she is out of the public eye, the better, but as of now, there is little to go on. There is no motive, no name, and unless Hannity is suggesting a member of Donald Trump’s cabinet works at that particular paper, tying the two together is beyond senseless.

What little information is available about the shooter includes that it is believed he used a shotgun in the attack.

Some reports are saying he carried no identification and that he’d somehow damaged his fingers, in an attempt to alter his fingerprints. Law enforcement were able to identify him, although it is not clear how.

While it’s still early, we can assume Hannity’s mind boggling attempt to draw a correlation between the shooter in a news room to Waters may be just Trump’s favorite propagandist doing his insane best to stop the inevitable connections between the president’s well-known disdain for the American press and the shooting.

Without saying this is exactly the reason, let’s not pretend it wouldn’t make more sense if someone did jump to the conclusion that the rhetoric from Trump, not Maxine Waters, is more likely to encourage someone to shoot up a news room (And that’s not what I’m doing, so dont @ me.).

Former Breitbart troll and Trump devotee, Milo Yiannopoulos recently sent an inflammatory message to a reporter saying he couldn’t wait for vigilante squads to start gunning journalists down on sight.

Donald Trump has often attacked the media, calling them “fake news,” releasing gif videos of himself beating down a figure with “CNN” over the face, and in a rally earlier in the week (not the first time), referring to the media in attendance as “the enemy of the people.”

In fact, he has attacked the media so often and with such vitriolic fervor, no one would be out of line for suggesting he was whipping up his base to do real harm.

Hannity’s sudden concern for the well-being of those involved in today’s shooting is just a little too convenient.

And absolutely fake.

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