Trump’s Latest State Department Nominee Is Prominent LGBT Activist

Trump’s Latest State Department Nominee Is Prominent LGBT Activist June 30, 2018

It can’t be stressed enough that Donald Trump has no core principles or convictions, beyond his own bottom line and egocentric view of leadership. Republicans that rushed to support him during the primaries, or who prop him up now, do so in opposition of the once-stated goals of the Republican party.

That’s right. The GOP used to be about God, country, and family (or so they said). They just can’t keep claiming that, given the mixed bag of nonsense that has come from this administration.

While there have been some advances during this administration, at least on the surface, in regards to religious liberties and more pro-family, pro-life policies, as it is with Trump, you’re not likely to find a solid place to stand, anywhere, because those policies and appointments are so scatter-shot.

A for instance would be the White House’s decision to ignore so-called “Pride Month,” and the attempts to ban transgenders from the military.

Yes. That’s a good policy because military readiness takes precedent over special accommodations for special interests groups, who have both mental and medical requirements that would put other troops at risk during a time of war.

Many would point to some of the pro-life policies advanced by the administration. I reject those, given that the latest omnibus budget bill allowed for a half billion in taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood.

There should be zero taxpayer dollars to Planned Parenthood, as there have been many who have stepped up to defend Planned Parenthood, who I am certain are more than willing to go into their own pockets to fund.

Anything Planned Parenthood does that its defenders are calling necessity is covered at community health centers (including birth control), with the exception of abortions.

But then, that’s the real issue, isn’t it?

Aside from that, however, there have been other questionable allowances from the Trump administration, like their latest State Department nomination.

The White House announced the president’s nomination of R. Clarke Cooper to serve as Assistant Secretary of State for Political-Military Affairs on Thursday. It cited Cooper’s extensive foreign policy credentials, from his record as a combat veteran to his current service as Director of Intelligence Planning for Joint Special Operations Command’s Joint Inter-Agency Task Force, National Capital Region.

Sounds solid, right?

But the announcement left out a more controversial detail from Cooper’s resume: his two-year stint as president of Log Cabin Republicans (LCR), a pro-LGBT group dedicated to diluting and eventually eliminating the GOP’s traditional conservative stances on marriage, homosexuality, and transgender ideology.

Cooper was the leader of the Log Cabin Republicans from 2010 to 2012. In that time, he lobbied Republicans to vote for the repeal of the “Don’t ask, don’t tell” policy in the U.S. military, regarding open homosexuality.

He also used his platform writing for the Washington Times to promote pro-LGBT policies as being consistent with the conservative ideology, while also personally attacking conservatives and Christian groups.

In one column, Cooper attacked the Boy Scouts of America for “los[ing its] moral compass” by excluding homosexual members in accordance with its Christian conception of being “morally straight” (a policy it has since abandoned). In another, he accused the National Organization for Marriage of allegedly “exploit[ing] racial divisions” because the group wrote an internal strategy memo about emphasizing minority communities’ opposition to same-sex “marriage.”

Most minority communities hold traditional values, so for an organization dedicated to traditional marriage to discuss internally how to get the minority community onboard with a very conservative issue is not an unusual thing. It’s just smart. You want to get those on your side in one place, whenever a cultural battle is raging.

This nomination of Cooper, given his questionable connection to the Republican party, or at least, to the values the party once professed, shouldn’t be shocking to anyone paying attention to what President Trump is really doing.

Trump has also nominated a variety of pro-homosexual officials to various government posts and continued a number of Obama-era pro-LGBT policies, such as an executive order adding “gender identity” to federal workforce nondiscrimination criteria, and U.S. support for international recognition of homosexual relations at the United Nations Human Rights Council.

Trump has also publicly praised the Log Cabin Republicans, and declared the Supreme Court’s 2015 Obergfell v. Hodges ruling forcing all fifty states to recognize same-sex “marriage” to be “settled law.”

I remember when North Carolina and then-Governor Pat McCrory were at war with the social justice warriors and bathroom marauders over the HB2 bathroom controversy, candidate Trump sided with the transgender community against North Carolina.

President Trump is not a pro-family president. This is just another symptom of that.




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