We’re Just Beginning to Hear of Some of the Ludicrous Statements by Trump to Our Allies at the G7 Summit

We’re Just Beginning to Hear of Some of the Ludicrous Statements by Trump to Our Allies at the G7 Summit June 14, 2018

I keep coming back to this because the more we see from this new age of Trumpism and how it has overtaken the Republican party, the more important it seems to be that we examine every detail of our president’s behavior.

Whether President Trump is a Russian asset or not, his behavior certainly should raise suspicions.

To begin with, his praise of Communist dictators – Xi Jinping, Vladimir Putin, and Kim Jong Un – is very much out of place for a sitting U.S. president.

I mean, sure, he’s getting praise from former President Jimmy Carter and Senator Bernie Sanders, but that isn’t really comforting.

His attacks on and attempts to destabilize the relationship with our allies is another issue. We saw it on full display over the weekend, as he kicked off a trade war with those who have been our most trusted trade partners over the years.

As it turns out, his prickly performance at the G7 summit, where he inexplicably began to advocate for the return of Russia to the group, wasn’t all that was strange about last weekend.

According to Buzzfeed News, when other group members tried to explain to him why Russia was no longer in the group (their aggressive actions in Ukraine and the annexation of Crimea in 2014), the president once again played the defender of Putin’s despotism.

His response?

President Donald Trump told G7 leaders that Crimea is Russian because everyone who lives there speaks Russian, according to two diplomatic sources.

During the dinner, Trump also seemed to question why the G7 leaders were siding with Ukraine. The president told leaders that “Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries in the world,” the source said.

So Putin’s murders and oppression in the area, as he sought to grab up more ground for himself is warranted?

There are a lot of ways to look at this, but none of them make Donald Trump look sane, or like the kind of leader who can be of any real service to this nation.

Today’s news that Donald Trump, the Donald J. Trump Foundation, and his three older kids, Donald Trump Jr, Eric Trump, and Ivanka Trump are all being sued for “self-dealing” and using the foundation to pay legal fees, buy personal items, and pad the campaign coffers says a lot about the kind of people we’re dealing with.

To date, the only person Trump seems completely loyal to appears to be Vladimir Putin.

Speaking of Putin, the White House is currently working on details to put Trump together for another summit, this time between Trump and the ex-KGB agent.

Will he go into that meeting as “prepared” as he was for meeting Kim Jong Un?

Why do I get the feeling that by the time this thing is over, Trump will announce that we’re giving back Alaska?


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