White House Officials Employ Time Honored Method to Avoid Trump-Putin Hookup

White House Officials Employ Time Honored Method to Avoid Trump-Putin Hookup June 15, 2018

This might be the best strategy for dealing with President Trump’s really awful, no-good whims.

A new report out on Friday states that the president has been so obsessed with getting Russian President Vladimir Putin over to the White House, so he can show him his room, that he’s been asking for it to be a thing since last year.

So how are White House officials dealing with it?

They’re ignoring him and hoping he forgets about it.

An unnamed official told The Washington Post on Friday that Trump privately asked his aides in November to set up a bilateral meeting with Putin at the White House after meeting the Russian leader in Vietnam at an economic summit that month.

Aides ignored the request, the source told the Post, hoping it would be just a passing interest.

“After that meeting, the president said he wanted to invite Putin to the White House,” one U.S. official told the Post. “We ignored it.”

“They decided: Let’s wait and see if he raises it again,” the official continued.

They should have known better.

He did raise it again, and has continued to bring it up, according to those White House officials.

The concern, according to one senior State Department official, is that a lot of security preparations, as well as briefings for the president would be needed to go into this kind of meeting.

Apparently, they weren’t as concerned about Trump going in to meet a madman like Kim Jong Un completely unprepared. The end result was an “agreement” that gave the hermit regime of North Korea world legitimacy and made the United States considerably less safe, no matter how many ridiculous tweets Trump sends out.

Of course, another such summit, on the grounds of the White House, no less, with a ruthless former KGB agent would probably go equally as “well.”

“Personally, I would be very reluctant to put my president into a meeting where he has to talk about dachas, or he has to talk about staffing patterns at embassies… There is a lot of work that has to be done ahead of a meeting like this,” the official said.

That’s the problem. Donald Trump doesn’t like to prepare. He doesn’t like to “know” stuff. Like an arrogant child, he wants to do what he wants, how he wants, and when he wants, without the silly rules and standards of mere mortals holding him back.

Trump apparently ramped up talks of meeting with Putin at the White House the day after the G7 summit, where he played Kremlin advocate for the world to see, insisting that Russia be allowed back in the group.

“I don’t think any decisions have been made, or details have been worked out, but I believe both sides are exploring an opportunity to try to do that,” National Security Council member Richard Hooker said Thursday.

According to The Wall Street Journal, Putin has also considered organizing a meeting with Trump in Vienna, reportedly discussing the issue with Austria’s Chancellor Sebastian Kurtz.

So a meeting is definitely going to happen, unless Trump’s aides keep ignoring him.

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