Will the LGBT Community Accept This Dangerous Addition?

Will the LGBT Community Accept This Dangerous Addition? July 10, 2018

Slippery slope, it appears we have arrived.

Several years back, when the Supreme Court took the issue of marriage out of the hands of states, in violation of the Tenth Amendment, I heard a lot of talk about that “slippery slope” and what doors could open up.

That was just a small part of a widening divide in our society, as members of the LGBT community became more vocal, more militant, and increasingly disrespectful of traditional, societal mores.

The push from the left to accept any abnormal lifestyle, even if it encroached on territory deemed sacred by everyone else was bound to have consequences.

If we accept abnormal lifestyle A, B, and C, then why not every other conceivable arrangement? The only limit is our imagination, after all.

We’ve seen that at play, as it is no longer LGBT, but an increasingly long list of letters, with no end in sight.

Then there’s all the terminology – cisgender, gender neutral, pansexual, agender… It gets confusing.

Now, since we’re post-rationality in this nation, we shouldn’t be surprised by a new group looking to join ranks with the LGBT community – MAPS.

For those not hip to how the terminology works, that’s “Minor Attracted Persons.”

I guess KT – Kiddie Touchers – didn’t have quite the same appeal.

That’s right. Pedophiles now want to be recognized by the social justice warriors of the world as a special interest group. I’m guessing with parades and a month dedicated to celebrating the achievements of pedophiles in history, as well as bringing awareness to the plight of pedophiles still fighting to be recognized and appreciated around the world.

I can just imagine some of the terms: pedonormative, pedoqueer, bi-pedo…

From the Daily Caller:

According to Urban Dictionary, the blanket term MAP includes infantophiles (infants), pedophiles (pre-pubescent children), hebephiles (pubescent children), and ephebophiles (post-pubescent children). Some MAPs also refer to themselves as NOMAPs or “Non-Offending Minor Attracted Persons”.

The blanket term should be SICK.

I remember seeing a TV interview with the founder of NAMBLA (North American Man Boy Love Association) some years back. The journalist could not get the man to put a limit on how young was too young.

He asked, “Is one year old too young?”

The response:

“It it’s agreeable with the parents and the child…”

We’re talking about a one year old child. I don’t think he’s going to be “agreeable.”

The “MAP/NOMAP community” tries to pull at people’s heartstrings by claiming that pedophiles are misunderstood marginalized people, and that as long as their attraction to children is not acted upon —  or in some cases when they get permission from the child — that they should not be villainized.

Sites such as “The Prevention Project” claim to be aimed at helping children, posting quotes like the one below, reminiscent of testimonials of struggling gay youth, under headlines like “everyone needs support”.

“John” was suicidal. He had been bullied by trolls on social media for most of his life for being different. The bullies were primarily people who claimed, based on their  religious beliefs, that “John” was going to hell and deserved to die. They described how they would kill him on his twitter page and people supported their hate. Desperate for help, John sought treatment for his shame, depression, and suicidality. Although he was scared to share about himself with a stranger, he felt desperate for help as he had NO desire to harm anyone, ever. Once he shared about his attraction to children, his therapist told him, “I don’t treat sex offenders.”

I’m calling shenanigans on the story above.

And somebody has a blog called “Pedophiles about Pedophilia,” that seeks to normalize the attitudes of what are desperately twisted individuals. It is full of stories meant to humanize the unthinkable.

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