Leftist Poster Child Now Biting the Hands That Feed Him

Leftist Poster Child Now Biting the Hands That Feed Him August 21, 2018

When I was in high school, I took a course in Science Fiction literature.

Yes. There was such a class and I was such a geek.

I still remember the portly, 40-ish aged teacher, Mrs. McCrimmon, and some of her wise, but nuanced lessons, as we debated Asimov, Bradbury, and Wells (That would be H.G. Wells, and my personal favorite).

One of the things Mrs. McCrimmon said to us – a class full of pimple-faced smart-alecks, absolutely drunk on our own youthful view of self-importance – was in regards to a lesson on child rearing.

I don’t remember the actual novel we were studying, at that time. I just remember my teacher’s words.

She said, “If you take a lion cub from the moment it is born, you feed it, lavish it with love and attention, raise it. When it is grown, that lion will eat you.”

I don’t know if everyone in the class took her lesson in the way she intended it. Her point was that children need more than everything they want. They need limits, structure, and discipline.

If, as a parent, you fail to exert your authority, you risk raising entitled, disrespectful, ruinous little brats.

You could end up with a David Hogg.

Hogg, for those who have been living off the grid for the past year, is one of the survivors of the Parkland, Florida mass shooting.

On February 14, 2018 a disturbed former student, Nikolas Cruz, plowed through the school, killing 17 and injuring many more.

Hogg was one of a group of students scooped up by the anti-Second Amendment left, groomed and shoved in front of the cameras to be the new face of the gun-grabbers movement.

I’m not going to say a ton of national attention ruined David Hogg. In fact, for quite some time after the shooting and the attention given the survivors immediately after the event, I refused to say anything about Hogg or the canned rhetoric he was spewing, directly.

The reason for that was because, no matter how much I disagreed with what he was saying, I realized he was a child. He and his friends had been through something traumatic. To attack them in the aftermath of the shooting, as some chose to do, would not only give off the worst possible optics, it would just be wrong. They’re kids. They went through something. They needed time to get past the shock.

Unfortunately, those who wanted to seize the momentum to push their anti-gun agenda knew Hogg and his pals were best to them while freshly traumatized. They needed the maximum emotional punch.

No, that didn’t ruin David Hogg. I’m pretty certain, at this point, that he’s been an arrogant, obnoxious, and disrespectful little toad for his whole, short life.

David Hogg is what happens when parents simply breed, but don’t take an active part in instilling values or the finer points of social interaction in their spawn.

No, I’m not lessening what he and his classmates went through. As I said, I would not go after any of them after the Parkland incident, for a time, simply out of an abundance of respect for the situation.

Hogg’s ego and youthful drive for attention has collided with his shabby upbringing and he’s now the lion turning on his handlers.

On Sunday, NY Mag posted an interview with Hogg that was near-laughable, until you realize it wasn’t parody. This kid really is believing what the left is writing about him.

He’s the kind of kid that is quoted as saying things like this:

“We really only remember a few hundred people, if that many, out of the billions that have ever lived,” he told me at his house in a gated community in Parkland, ten days after the shooting. “Is that what I was destined to become?”

OH, good grief!

He’s also the kind of kid that says things like this:

 “It’s like when your old-a** parent is like, ‘I don’t know how to send an iMessage,’ and you’re just like, ‘Give me the f**king phone,’ ” he told a young journalist two weeks after the shooting.

He’s got issues with the parents that didn’t exert proper authority over him in his formative years, it seems.

In fact, the NY Mag article goes on to give details, from Hogg, as well as his parents and sister, of a kid who was [proudly] disrespectful and arrogant, throughout his life.

He even refers to himself as narcissistic, as if that’s a virtue.

It will catch up to him.

Further along into the interview, he shows that he’s no friend to those who are keeping him a “celebrity.”

Hogg claimed that Republicans are effective in politics because “they’re empowering young people,” specifically pointing to Paul Ryan’s age when he became Speaker of the House — 45 — as being what makes Republicans successful.

“Nancy Pelosi is old,” Hogg said in the interview. “Older Democrats just won’t move the f*** off the plate and let us take control.”

No love for Nan-Nan.

It didn’t stop with Pelosi, either.

Hogg went on to attack Bernie Sanders in the interview for being “terrible on guns,” and slammed former President Barack Obama for increasing “drone warfare” and killing “a lot of civilians.”

I’ll go you one better, young Mr. Hogg.

Pelosi, Sanders, Obama – they’re ALL “terrible on guns.”

And by terrible on guns, I mean they, nor any other leftist has a clue what they’re talking about when they start harping on and on about gun violence.

Guns are a tool. They do not act independently of a human operator. If evil is committed with a gun, it’s because the person wielding the gun had evil intent. If you took all guns away, they would find some other method to create chaos.

It’s a heart problem, not a gun problem, but to face the human element that leads to evil acts would force an open discussion on good and evil. Leftists base their bread and butter on moral relativism. They follow the humanist lie. It’s better than reality. It’s easier than admitting there is a human soul and a driving force to our humanity. They’d much rather blame an inanimate object, no matter how maddeningly dumb their arguments are.

Hogg has gone on to suggest he’ll run for the Senate at the age of 25. Maybe he’ll make it, but I have the feeling his inability to do anything outside of self-promotion will have worn thin, by then, and the left will have adopted a new face to push their agenda.

All those hours of practicing cool lines and militant stances in the bathroom mirror and in his Instagram posts will have been for nothing.

When reality finally hits for Hogg, the fall is going to be a hard one.

And it couldn’t happen to a more deserving fellow.



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